I stole this from Morgan.
A - Age: 15
B - Band listening to right now: Alk3
C - Career of the future: Writer.
D - Dad's Name: Ernie.
E - Ethnic Background: English and Danish.
F - Favorite song at the moment: San Francisco.
G - Great escape: Music. My basement. Out anywhere with friends. Alcohol.
H - Hometown: Springfield, IL.
I - Instrument: Guitar.
J - Job Title: Student. World-saver.
K - Kids: Eventually a few I suppose.
L - Last person you talked to on the phone: Mason.
M - Mom's Name: Susan.
N - Number of Siblings: Zero. Only child.
O - Oldest Sibling: Me?
P - Phobia[s] / Fear[s]: Bugs. Small spaces. The movie ET.
Q - Favorite Quote: God, wayyy too many. I suppose I'll go with "You have to drag yourself to work, drug yourself to sleep. You're dead from the neck up by the middle of the week." -The Clash
S - Song you sang last: Dominatrix by Nil8
T - Time you wake up: 6:15 for school and I normally try for before noon on weekends.
U - Unknown fact about me: Unknown? Uhh.. if I had the option to be taller I wouldn't take it. Is that unknown?
V - Vegetable you Hate: Calloflower [spelling?]
W - Worst Habit: Drinking. Doing drugs. Smoking. Chewing as much gum as I do. Swearing.
X - X-rays you've had: Jesus, uhm... like 10?
Y - Yummy Food: Peanut butter toast sandwiches.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Pisces