1. Boy or girl: Um boys?
2. Color: black
3. Food: Indian and Italian
4. Music: Whatever. Anything really
5. CD: Brand New, The Living End, Bend it like Beckham
6. Movie: Empire Records, Igby Goes Down, Sixteen Candles
7. Sport: Basketball and soccer
8. Alcohol: cocktails--> Sex on the Beach
9. Drug: Advil bitch
10. Animal: penguins, cats, dogs. All animals
Getting Personal
1. What’s your name? These questions should be first no? Sukhpreet Gadh
2. Age? 16
3. Birthdate? March 8, 1987
4. Birthplace? Lansing, Michigan
5. Grade? 11
6. School? Northwest Highschool
7. Do you have any crushes? Sorta..
8. What’s their name? BLobfat
9. Are you happy right now? Well, generally. But there's something bothering me..:/
10. What are you wearing? Black sweat pants, a blue shirt
Getting Dirty
1. Have you ever kissed? This has the dumbest title. Um yeah
2. Are you a good kisser? I've been told so? So I hope I am.
3. Have you ever kissed the same sex? Yup
4. Are you straight/bi/gay? Straight
5. Are you a virgin? If your mom is.
6. Are you blind? haha no?
7. Who’s the last person you kissed? This kid Nitin
8. When's the last time you poured your heart out? Um in Kristina' birthday card? Yeah..
9. Who’s the last person that said I love you to you? Monica
1. Who’s your bestfriend? Kristina
2. Who is the funniest? Stephanie, Kristina, Elisa, Robin, Mirna. I think all of them are funny.
3. Who is the prettiest? Gosh, they all are so pretty.
4. Who likes rats? Hahha that's kinda funny I'll say Stephanie
5. Who has the nicest PJs? I don't know
6. Who’s the best singer? Steph
7. Who is your close friend? Who are my close friends? Emily, Kristina, Stephanie, Robin and some others.
8. Do you hate any of your friends? Nope
9. Who would save your life? Leena..Oh friends..hmm Stephanie she did save my life and Kristina, she saves my life like everyday
10. Who would you save? Each and everyone of them
11. Who’s the fattest? Hahha me and Kristina mannn we eat :)
12. Who’s the meanest? SAREENA BROWN!@
13. Who’s the ugliest? I think ugliest is not a word but nobody at all
14. Who’s the flattest?
15. Who’s the smallest? Me I guess but the youngest is Robin!!
16. Who would take care of you? Stephanie
17. Who would you take care of? Kristina bien sur.
18. Who pisses you off? Patrick!!!
19. Who can you trust with your life? Kristina mos def. and stephanie :D
20. Who can trust you with theirs? I don't know I don't think any of them do.
21. Who has the worst qualities? nobody
22. What are they? that person would just be some self-centered heartless prick
23. Who is the dirtiest? me..and kristina hahaha mmm
24. Who is the cleanest? uhhhhh robin?
25. Who is the smartest? EMILY WALCH MY GOD
26. Who is the dumbest? I am.
27. Who is the worst? ROBINS BROTHER!
28. Who is the most innocent? ROBIN
That's it? I hate forwards.