I don't know, it has funky arrows...
Taking Back Sunday vs. Brand New: Mos def Brand New. But TBS rocks!
The Mars Volta vs. Coheed & Cambria: Coheed & Cambria, DUH!
The Used vs. A Static Lullaby: Hmm...I like them both, but The Used
Thursday vs. My Chemical Romance: AH! Thursday, bien sur.
The Clash vs. The Distillers: The Clash
Motion City Soundtrack vs. Something Corporate: Motion City Soundtrack
Fall Out Boy vs. The Starting Line: Somebody should shoot me if I ever liked The Starting Line. Definitely Fall Out Boy
Anti-Flag vs. Sparta: ANTI-FLAG PSSSH
Count the Stars vs. Matchbook Romance: Matchbook Romance
Saves the Day vs. Mest: Saves The Day
Rancid vs. NoFx: Rancid
The Early November vs. Yellowcard: No I'm not Johnny Maxim I do not like Yellowcard. The Early November
From Autumn to Ashes vs. Glassjaw: Um hmm...Glassjaw
Alkaline Trio vs. Vendetta Red: Alkaline Trio hahah Vendetta Red can suck ittt
Blink 182 vs. CKY: Blink 182 CKY IS FOR PEEPEEHEADS
Finch vs. Thrice: THRICE. FINCH SUCKS
Saosin vs. Atreyu: Atreyu.
Get Up Kids vs. Less Than Jake: They are't even the same style, but okay..hmm Less than Jake, thanks.
Rufio vs. Slick Shoes: Rufio!!!!
Senses Fail vs. Story of the Year: Senses Fail :D:D
1. What was the last meaningful thing you did? Help Bhavna out with Chemistry, do all my homework
2. What was your first love like? I wouldn't know. Love's for suckers.
3. What do you wish you could tell your parents? That I'm going to leave them one day.
4. What is the one thing you would never do, no matter how much you wanted to? Hurt somebody, especially a friend. Well...I try
5. What are your favorite sounds? A lot of kids running around and screaming/laughing, squeaky shoes, someone walking on ice or something crunchy, music! I love to hear my friends voices.
6. How do you get over someone? Ignore them?
7. Do you like cartoons? Hellz yeah!!
8. Have you ever contemplated suicide? Like many others..
9. How old were you when you gave/received your first kiss? Like 11 or 12
10. How do you deal with anger? I stop talking and I usually look towards the ground..or somewhere to clear my head.
11. What is your opinion on bisexuality? Um nothing? Do what you feel like, who cares!?
12. In a perfect world, what would you be? Happy and loved
13. How tall are you? I think 5'3
14. Do you ever feel invisible? Oh yeah, all the time infact
15. Would you be willing to go on Temptation Island? Hahhaah TO BANG AROUND?! NOO! BUT ROBIN WOULD
16. Do you keep a journal? Yup, of course!
17. What is the most unusual gift you bought for somebody last Christmas? I didn't. I wasn't here.
18. Why do you fail? I'm not good enough, or I didn't care, or it was too fucking hard
19. Do you write snail mail to anyone or do you mostly email? I snail mail places I order from because I ain't got no credit cards and shit.
20. How do you feel about pornography? I think it's gross really but whatever, if you like it, it's here.
21. What is heaven like? I don't know. I don't believe in it.
22. What do you have on your walls? Nothing, a hippo, basketball shit. I'm putting my old posters back up.
23. What is hell like? I think it's hot with flames..
24. What is the most embarrassing CD in your collection? None I love them all, and I rock out yo
25. What is in your fridge right now? A bunch of Indian food. Nothing great. My lunch for tomorrow, alotta milk. WHOLE MILK
26.What is your date and place of birth? March 8 Lansing, Michigan
27. If you could talk to yourself as a five year old for five seconds, what would you say? I'd first give up on this thing because my lame ass wouldn't be able to read, then I'd say my ABCs and numbers and shit. Sing along to Sesame Street. I don't know I was weird at 5 actually
28. If Satan appeared to you right now, what would he say? Hello Sukhpreet...I AM YOUR FATHA!
29. What should people pay more attention to? To each other, being respectful and caring. Their personalities and skills.
30. Left handed or right? righty :)
31. What about you would surprise other people? Hmm that's really hard I don't know. Alotta things surprise people, it's mainly my ability to swallow 3 whole hotdogs. Sike, just the fact that I can eat a lot and not get chunky I guess?? I don't know..
32. What is your favorite poem? One time Mirna showed me this cool one. It was great. But hmm my favorite poem..I like a lot, mostly by POE YO! He's beast.
33. What is a guilty pleasure you have? Listening to Justin Timberlake, eating French Fries???
34. What book changed your life? I don't know, they all do. Sometimes.
35. What's in your shower? Like soap, shampoos, shower washes, my cool pink venus razor...the spongy thing..thas it.