My 2008 Year in Review

Dec 31, 2008 09:34

 Where did you begin 2008?
I honestly don’t remember. I think it was at home. I do remember having dinner with Vernon, RC and Glenn earlier in the evening on New Year’s Eve.
 What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Not divorced but planning to file soon.

Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Only training for work.

Did you have to go to the hospital?

Did you have any encounters with the police?

Where did you go on vacation?
Ohio, Chicago & Austin

What did you purchase that was over $500?
Nothing that I can think of, but I did pay off a lot of bills.

Did you know anybody who got married?
My ex husband.

Did you know anybody who passed away?
Yes, at least 3 people. I’m trying to remember if there were others. All 3 of those were within the last few months.

What sporting events did you attend?
I attended a Titans Pre-Season game.

Where do you live now?
Mt. Juliet

Describe your birthday.
By the time I have dinner with my family and friends, it seems that my birthday is the entire month of February. I don’t remember what I did the actual day.

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2008?
Although I knew at the end of 2007 that I would be divorcing in 2008, until late last year I never thought it would happen.
I am also almost debt free (because of the divorce), and I never thought that would happen, either.

What has been your favorite moment(s)?
Feeling loved and accepted.
Meeting new people.
Experiencing dating.

Any new additions to your family?
Nope, just subtractions.

What was your best month?

Who has been your best drinking buddy?
HAHA! I have drank 3 times this year, once was a wine tasting of just a few wines. I rarely drink.

Made new friends?
Yes, quite a few but really only aquaintances.

Favorite Night[s] out?
Pete’s Piano Bar and Dave & Busters in Austin, TX
Maggiano’s in Nashville

Any regrets?
Yes, more than I’m willing to share.

What do you want to change in 2009?
Finish getting out of debt and not adding anymore to the total.

Overall, how would you rate this year?
Very bumpy, so it’s hard to put a number on it. Lots of ups and downs.

Have any life changing events in 2008?
Selling my house
New love in an unexpected person

Change your hairstyle?
I’m letting it grow out and straightening it (most of the time).

Get a new job?
I went back to my old job after being laid off for 4 months.

How old did you turn this year?
31…not 35.

Do you have a New Year's resolutions?
I stopped doing these.

Did anything embarrassing?
Not anything more embarrassing than usual.

Get married or divorced?
No and Yes…as if I haven’t mentioned that enough in this list.

Get arrested?

Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
Not this year.

Start a new hobby?
I tried crocheting again and failed. David got me into playing Xbox.

Been snowboarding?

Are you happy to see 2008 go?

Drank Starbucks in 2008?
A few times.

Been naughty or nice?

What are you wishing for in 2009?
Even more new experiences, though hopefully not as many life changing experiences.

January - Went to Austin for the second time early in the month. Started my 101 Things in 1001 Days later in the month. Took an overnight road trip to Arkansas. 
February - My birthday month. Went to Austin for the third and final time shortly after my birthday. Started back to Dell on February 25th. 
March - Had my heart broken into a million pieces and took several months to recover. 
April - Finished training at work and had my very schedule to work Saturdays and hated it. Went on my first blind date in over 12 years. 
May - Finally filed for divorce 6 months after first talking about it. 
June - Sold my house and still miss it today. Moved into the garage apartment at my parent's house.
July - Divorce was final on July 15th. Had my last contact with the person who broke my heart in March and decided I would never heal if I remained in contact with him. 
August - Didn't celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary on August 8th. Went to a Titans game.
September - Went on vacation to Ohio and Chicago. Met giselc   and ordinary  for the first time. 
October - My uncle was murdered in Centennial Park by another homeless man. My neighbor died from a brain tumor. Started to give up on dating. 
November - Started dating David (sudrin  )after being friends with him for over 5 years.

December - David introduced me to Xbox, and we started dating a little more serious. I think the Xbox did it ;)

meme, year in review

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