Selling Out

Jan 29, 2009 15:32

Ok, fine. I am publicly on Facebook now. Lots of reasons not to, but also enough to give in and at least give it a try ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

in_parentheses January 29 2009, 21:21:24 UTC
Facebook is awesome! It's all the time-sucking relationship drama of college, only more so! ...oh, wait. Maybe that's not a plus? Either way, happy to have you aboard! :)


froggoddess January 30 2009, 01:06:14 UTC
Right... because the drama was so much fun the first time around -- must have more! Oy. We'll see how it goes. I figure if I stay in the company of the people I know and love it'll be fine. :)


christopherwill January 29 2009, 23:53:02 UTC
I am there under Christopher Coleman. You cannot miss me, I am wearing a gray waffle shirt


froggoddess January 30 2009, 01:06:30 UTC
Oh, good. I was hoping I'd find you there. :) Are you going to Feast at all?


christopherwill January 30 2009, 01:09:10 UTC
Unfortunately not. I am saving up for Rites of Spring


froggoddess January 30 2009, 01:11:54 UTC
Mmm, good call. :) I am thinking of going down just for the opening circle -- give them a little money and give everyone a hug. It's not far for me.


gwendally January 29 2009, 23:54:15 UTC
I'm really okay with Facebook. I wasn't sure I would be, but it's light, it's casual, it's just living in the world with other people. It doesn't intrude, it doesn't expect, it's just casual greetings as I wander along my way.

I'm really sorry that the Geologist is finding it so hard. I wish he'd come here and friend us and find out how good the interwebs can be.

OTOH, if he's complaining of time sucks, that wouldn't work out very well for him, now would it? :-)


froggoddess January 30 2009, 01:08:07 UTC
Oh he's on the interwebs alright -- a bit too much I imagine. :) He does read my blog, and I could've sworn I saw him comment on your blog -- though maybe I imagined it.

Anyway, I'm guessing you're right -- I'm thinking it will be an online version of living in a Small Town. Or a way to imagine that all my favorite people lived here with me...

Added you! :)


gwendally January 30 2009, 01:24:21 UTC
Yes, he's commented on my blog, but only on the public posts. He doesn't have an LJ so I can't let him into the private ones. Not that he's asking, but that's where we REALLY live, if you ask me.


froggoddess January 30 2009, 01:26:56 UTC
It's true. Even though I've made nearly everything public for the past few years (mostly because of friends like him who don't have lj), the important stuff stays underground.


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