Awwww I have been ignoring my LJ. I have kind of moved over to Plurk - so if you want constant updates on my life, add me over at
cubecakes! If I have you added here, then I will gladly add you over there. :D
And now for updates!
I don't have a whole lot of Big Stuff to talk about save for what's coming up next week: wolf tracking camp! I'm going up to the mountains in Idaho for a week-long tracking and camping expedition. We'll be sleeping in tents and learning how to track animals and hiking a bunch and splashing in rivers and other things! \o/
I'm excited. I know I was worried before about how I might hate camping, since I've never done it, but really I don't think I will.
Earlier this month I spent 10 days down in Austin, Texas. We had some family business to take care of, but I also got to see some neat shops and stuff! It was really hot. Austin is humid, you guys. :(
Other stuff is Holloway's Keep business:
- Xanth's life continues to suck! BUT IRONHIDE IS THERE \o/ So that's good at the very least.
- There was a dust storm! And staff were strangely absent...
- So tunnels opened up under the keep and some characters went EXPLORING!
- And then the dust storm died down and the tunnels closed.
- And the characters are trapped.
- Oh dear.
And that's about it I think!! HOW ARE YOU GUYS