Title: The Love Gods [7/?]
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A newly reconciled Burt and Finn set about finding the one thing that will make their new family complete: a boyfriend Kurt.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. The events within are entirely fictional.
Author's Notes: Thanks to
abluegirl for her always helpful suggestions.
Word Count: 5113
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Comments 41
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And this chapter was fantastic. Loved everything about it.
I do that every time you post something, so to say it's a huge compliment is an understatement. I'm glad you're still enjoying it.
So happy you updated! I adore this story, and I love how Puck and Kurt are dancing around each other and the fact that there's definitely... something there. (Did I really just quote that unintentionally? Curse you, Finnchel.)
There were a lot of favorite parts in this chapter, but here's one of them. "Puck explains, and when exactly did he become so in tune with Kurt’s feelings that he knew to clarify without Kurt having to ask him?" I love intuition coming into play, and the fact that their conversations have begun to take a more serious turn just makes me giggle and squeal softly to myself in the confines of my bedroom.
Awesome job! I can't wait for more. ♥
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