Title: The Love Gods [9/?]
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A newly reconciled Burt and Finn set about finding the one thing that will make their new family complete: a boyfriend for Kurt.
Author's Notes: I've posted some song links at the end of the chapter. These songs can be quite explicit so please listen at your own discretion.
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Comments 26
I continue to adore this fic. How easy Puck and Kurt's relationship is is what really gets me. Well, maybe "easy" is the wrong word, but that neither of them are freaking out, or that there is no huge drama, just both of them figuring things out and enjoying each other's company in the process. Just lovely.
Thanks for reading.
On that note, I think I'm going to keel over if your Puck gets anymore awesome. Seriously. When he explained to Kurt why he didn't try to intervene when Karofsky approached Kurt, I think I melted a little bit more. And when Puck brought out his mind-blowing, unexpectedly heartfelt musical selection for Kurt, I was simultaneously squealing with unabashed joy and wishing I could shake Kurt around until he could finally see that maybe Puck isn't as straight as Kurt imagined. He's getting there, but boy needs a clue like whoa.
And just because I feel the need to highlight upon just a fraction of your epic win, I wanted to show you one of my favorite parts:
“Stop putting words in my mouth!” / “You’d prefer me to put something else in there?” / “ ( ... )
Awww...thanks sweetheart. I really wanted him to be the kind of guy you could imagine Kurt falling for. Often the way he's written makes it hard for me to believe Kurt would be even remotely attracted to him. Obviously, he needs to have some hidden depths that we don't get to see much on the show, so I set out to explore them. I must admit, I'm becoming quite taken with him myself.
Thanks for the comment, and I love you too! &hearts
The resolution to the Kurt/Puck fight was wonderfully anticlimatic, if that makes sense. It just felt very in character to have Kurt so sure that there would be some big drama, and Puck very easily moves on. Oh, boys.
There were so many great moments in here, but I've got to give a shout out to the following: "Kurt’s only comfort is the look of badly hidden despair on Mr. Schue’s face." I could see this as clearly as if I were watching an actual episode. Mr. Schue, when WILL you ever learn?
Welcome! Please, sit down and help yourself to tea and coffee. :)
I believe the answer is Mr. Schue will NEVER learn. Poor guy.
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