Seven questions meme

May 13, 2012 15:00

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random.

Then post the list with your answers to your Journal. By commenting to it, others can get lists from you, and so we keep the meme running...

My questions posed by deadcellredux

1) Your favorite book and why?
I don't like superlatives for things like this, honestly.  I have a ton of favorite books for different reasons.  American Gods, because rarely does such a good book surprise me so well.  House of Leaves, because even though I don't know if it's really a great book, it's amazing art and it genuinely scared the shit out of me.  Dealing With Dragons, because it was the perfect tongue in cheek princess-and-a-dragon story.  The Coldfire Trilogy, because OMFG GERALD TARRANT hfgjkfdlhjfkaldgjdakfghkafjlgbf.  (true fax, someday they will make a movie of those books and they will, for some reason, get Benedict Cumberbatch (or Hiddleston, I'd take Hiddleston) to play Gerald and some ridiculously strapping young man to play Damien Vryce and no one will ever see me again because I will masturbate myself to death.)
(You think I am kidding.)
(I am not.)
2) What is your dream job?
To be independently wealthy and travel around the world being fabulous.  
And yes, that's a job.  Have you seen people like Paris Hilton?
No, wait, that's my dream job-- to be Paris Hilton.  Yes, I'm serious.  Well.  Mostly.
3) What is your favorite season and why?
Winter, because it is cold.  I do not like the heat, and yet I always end up in places that are hot instead of cold.  :(  I also like Spring, but, unfortunately, I can't fully enjoy it because I know it means that summer is coming.  But seriously, I love winter and I love the cold.  I love that it makes you want to snuggle up and drink hot tea and wear scarves and gloves and coats.  All of which are sexy.  Winter is the season of clothes I think are sexy and drinks that I like and not overheating all the time whenever I try to do anything.
4) How did you get into fandom?
Well, I've pretty much been into fandom since I discovered the internet-- I was already a fangirl and then, OMG, there were other people out there who liked the same thing?  Yeah, instant.  There was no one moment, unless you count the first time I heard the AOL dial up noise.
For some people, it might be a bit surprising what my first fandom was, though-- that would be Phantom of the Opera.  It was really the only thing I ever got THAT level of into, as well.  I probably have well over $1000 of POTO merchandise and related things.  My bedspread was black and white music notes with red piping.  My curtains were the same material with roses twined along the curtainrod.  My whole bedroom was black white and red and I had an entire BOOKSHELF just devoted to my phantom masks and books and music boxes and playbills and memorabilia.  I own the book in the original french.  When I found out that people had pictures online of the different people playing the Phantom in ALW version, I nearly exploded and collected every picture I could.  I read every fanfic I could.  I wrote horrible Mary Sues that I showed to no one.  
5) What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
This is a tough one, actually.  It's particularly tough knowing that there's a definite chance that at least one ex-boyfriend will read this.  :D  For a girl who isn't really much into typical romance stuff, it seems to happen a lot to me.  So... I'm just going to pick a memory totally at random.  The boyfriend who got me into Harry Potter knew that Siruis Black was my favorite character, so he found a totally adorbs black stuffed dog and got a little bone dogtag for it that said "Padfoot" on it, and gave it to me for Valentine's Day so that "he could keep me warm when he wasn't around".  D'awwwwww.
6) What is your biggest phobia?
Death.  Hands down, absolutely death.  I sometimes lie awake at night terrified that I am going to die in the middle of the night.  I jump at loud noises and I don't like to fly and I'm scared to drive, but it all boils down to death death death.  I think about it way more than is probably healthy for a normal human being, particularly considering that, eventually, it's going to happen whether I'm scared of it or not.  I have this weirdly pragmatic view about death at some points and enjoy creatures that court death or are related to death or whatever.  But if I actually think about it, it really just scares the piss out of me in a way that few other things can, and on a deeper level than I think it ought to.
You may take this question and the next one together to show how totally fucked up I am in the head, if you wish.
But I would prefer you to think that I am awesome.
7) Your favorite Reaper from Kuro and why? Because I honestly don't think I know!
Undertaker.  Hands down, don't even have to think about it.  He's ridiculously hot when he's not "pretending" and he's creepy as fuck, but he's *smart*, like seriously, ridiculously smart.  You can easily see WHY he would have been a legendary Grim Reaper, only it's obvious that there's just... something loose in there.  LOVE HIM.

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