I am the time of my lifeeeee!

Apr 15, 2011 20:08

Hello friends!

Okay so I bought a Wii 10 days ago and I've been playing (and working) with it ever since. First of all, I bought a nice black Wii *w* It's way more high tech than a white one LOL Then I bought another remote (and a nunchuck) plus the batteries and a game so it cost 400$ and something on that day T__T

There were two games with the Wii; Sports & Resort and I bought Kirby's Epic Yarn;

I have almost done it already ;__; I only have to complete the mini games and unlock 3 levels that I have no idea why they are still locked LOL But anyways, I love that game. It's really fun but it's kinda easy D: And as all the other kirby, the game is over way too fast...but it's such a good game.

After that I bought Worms Battle Islands to play against my brother;

This isn't my favorite game of all time but it's kinda fun anyways.

I really wanted Wii Fit but I didn't know the carpet thing was that expensive x__x It cost 100$ for it and then you still have to buy the game. Since I already had paid alot for games lately I decided to wait a little while.I bought Just Dance instead;

I surprisingly love that game XDD! It's so very fun and you can play for hours without even noticing you're doing so LOL It's even funnier with people too! Now my arms really hurt because I played too much LOL.

Today I went shopping and I bought two other games, GhostBusters;

I got it because it only cost 7$ at EB Games (since my brother is a member)plus it's a team game and it looks good.

Of course I also bought THE game on the Wii, Mario Galaxy;

I just can't wait to finally play! It looks so good and yet again we can play in team :D!

Now there are alot of games I still want;
Wii fit
Zelda Twilight Princess
Mario Galaxy 2
Just Dance 2
Michael Jackson
Sims Castaway
Mario Kart

and probably more~ I'm happy because when the Wii was first released, my brother bought one but there was NO good games on it. Which is why he sold it. But now it starts to have so many great games :DD!

I also bought tons of other things today, like two huge bottle of shampoo & conditioner (each bottle are 2L XDD) another huge bottle of Dove's skin moisturizer (something that makes the skin so soft *w*)a pair of black thigh high socks (actually they have 3 white stripes on top of them) and also a grey pair of thigh high socks. I bought hair accessories;

I bought other bows and such I don't know why I didn't put everything on the picture :\ and the butterflies keychain was a gift for my mom XD

What else...well I bought this a long time ago;

Haha yeah...

Oh yeah, I got 2 movies with Jim Carrey. The Truman Show;

Well, this movie changed my life. Ever since I watched it, I'm sure I'm onto a "Truman Show" myself .__. Sometimes coincidences are just so weird that it can't be anything else. So I'm telling you to watch it but seriously it's gonna change your life too I'm sure XD!

And I got Yes Man;

How I loved this one too! Just can't wait to watch it again.

Well, I think that's it...I don't know about what else I could talk about since, like I said, I've only been working and playing on the Wii. Still time is going so freaking fast x___x! I don't have time to do anything (I still haven't look into my summer clothes XDD)

It's okay I'll do it next week (LOL). I'll leave you on this.



shopping, movies, wii, cherry blossom

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