
Jun 20, 2006 11:37

Been meaning to do this for a while.

Just going straight down the list and only doing ones she uses often, because if I tried doing them all I'd get bored before I hit all 103. All of them might be used for other things too, I'm just putting down what comes to mind when I look at them.

- She's really missing Douglas, or whatever she's talking about upsets her, or she feels like the person she's talking to has put a target on her back but isn't all the worried about it, or she's depressed about Silent Hill or The Otherworld.

- Usually only used when she's depressed. More often than not because she's talking about her past. But it occasionally also gets used because she's talking about cars.

- She's flirting. Often with a good dose of teasing or sarcasm. One of her generally Kabuto-only icons.

- She's talking about her past, but probably isn't depressed about it. Usually used when she's specifically talking about her other selves, though it might be also be about her position in the cult.

- She is shocked, shocked I tell you.

- She's loving. Another one usually just pointed at Kabuto, but also sometimes used at other people when she's talking about him, he dad, Piper, or anyone/thing else she loves. Kind of funny how this came to be the love icon, actually. At the time I didn't have any icons that were at all happy looking, and most of them were out-and-out threatening, depressing, or disturbing. So, she was suddenly love-potioned, I needed some icon to indicate this but didn't have any free slots to add a new one and didn't want to delete the ones I had, so finally I decided 'Hey, yellow's a happy color! That'll do it!' and it's been that way ever since. Maybe I ought to give it another keyword to indicate that someday, but I think having 'face peeling' as her keyword when she's loving is funny.

- One of my favorite icons! I like all the negative space, and the way her flashlight makes her look like she's glowing. Used when she's surprised by something, or is looking at something weird, or when I just want a chance to use it and it wouldn't look too out of place.

- Default image, because she has a fairly neutral expression. Used when I forget to pick an icon and don't feel like changing it, she's looking for something, she's using her flashlight, or occasionally when she's grilling someone.

- She's being sarcastic, but isn't trying to be mean with it. Or she's at a party.

- She's being sarcastic and is trying to be mean with it. If she uses this icon she's being a bitch on purpose for her own amusement, and may or may not be being subtle about it. Although you aren't necessary the victim of it, it could be pointed at whoever or whatever she's talking about. In which case, she either really likes you because she's willing to show that side of her sense of humor to you and hope you'll play with her, or she couldn't care less what you think of her.

- She's happy! Or cheering!

- She has her gun out but is either hesitant to use it, or afraid to. It will generally be the first.

- You are Kabuto, and she's being wily. Or else she's in the pool.

- Same as the last one, minus the pool part. Can be a bit more serious than the last one.

- Heather's upset, but won't let it pull her down.

- She thinks who she's talking to is stupid, or she's just done something stupid, or she's talking about something or someone she thinks is stupid, but she's keeping a straight face about it. Or she's discussing decapitations. Or she's trying to creep someone out with her icons.

- She doesn't want to let something go. Or she's still trying to creep someone out.

- I think the expression speaks for itself on this one.

- She's... not being unfriendly, but not being all that friendly either. Pretty neutral.

- She thinking about attacking/killing something. Possibly you. May or may not be purposely threatening.

- Like the keywords say, she's a little sad.

- Often starts out a conversation with this one. She's mentally casting judgment on you or the situation you're in.

- She's on her way to somewhere good, or is in a good mood while on the walk there.

- Usually she's being friendly, but sometimes she's just talking or explaining something.

- She's thinking things through. She looks upset in the icon, but usually isn't when using it.

- Another favorite icon! Whee evil horsies! Time's passing, or she's noticed there's less of something around, or, like the keywords say, she's otherwise keeping a mental countdown. Or she might be distracted, or have a bad feeling about something but not know what.

- She's gonna crack some heads. Or is just loving her pipe.

- Something bad's happening (or has happened and she's remembering it), and it doesn't have anything to do with monsters. Or her hatred of mirrors has come up. I really need to get a closer shot of this someday so bloody-drenched her in the mirror's more clear.

- Another one where she has a feeling something bad's going to happen. Or something's happened that made me want to use the icon with bright neon lights.

- Heather hates part of herself, and is talking about it. Or is having an internal fight with herself.

- She's being serious, and possibly a bit emotional.

- Although the keywords say groggy (since in the scene she's just sat up after waking up), but it's rarely used that way. Usually used as another thoughtful icon, and sometimes a bit wistful.

- Talking about or fighting monsters.

- She's going somewhere, but this time it's too a bad place or she's in a bad mood. It's also occasionally used to show that her morals are slipping because of whatever she's doing or saying in the post (see, it's all metaphorical with her running straight for the total blackness and all).

- She's using her eyelasers! Although, that's actually her Sexy Beam. The keywords just say Heather beam since that's the one she'd actually be using 99.9% of the time.

- She's either heading into The Otherworld, or she's emotionally totally shutting you out.

- UFOs! Used in characterly either when talking about aliens, or when she has absolutely no idea how to respond to something.

- She feels trapped, or watched, or is watching what she says because she's keeping herself closed off from you, or she's communicating from a distance.

- You might not notice, but this is an animated icon. There's blood dripping into the bucket. She's most likely being morbid. Or talking about sacrifice.

- Another obvious one, she's in mourning. Probably talking/thinking about her father's death.

- She's seriously upset, and probably thinking about God or the cult. Or she feels like she's being pulled apart.

- Same as above, except now she's upset to the point that it's making her feel ill. Or she's thinking about her inability to have children. Or she's just about to throw up.

- She's crying! But it's a cry that'll probably leave her feeling better once she's gotten it out. If she's actually crying, it's massive stress relief at the same time, because she won't let herself breakdown until whatever she's crying over has been taken care of, either by things getting better or her punishing whoever caused the situation.

- She's using a knife. Possibly threatening someone with it, but more likely either cooking or cutting something/one free.

- Okay, I think this smile is ugly but it's also much more likely to be real than the other one. If you get this smile whatever you've just said or the two of you are talking about has genuinely made Heather happy. Occasionally, if she uses it a whole bunch of times in a row, something's reminded her of just how great it is to be alive, and she's actually giddy with the joy of it.

- Another one where she's thinking about the past, Alessa specifically, but she isn't being really sad or upset about it. She might also be thinking about dying, or thinking that you'll be dying. The latin keywords are the spell she casts early on in (and fairly common gravestone inscription) the game thinking she's just reading a fairy tale out loud. Tu fui ego eris: "I was you; you will be me". Because she was dead she, like the resurrected priestess in the story, can kill other things with that spell (though, if she ever remembers how, she can also just kill people with her mind which'd render the spell redundant). Which is why she'll use the icon at people she thinks will die, though obviously the keywords were picked because she's looking at a picture of Alessa.

- Heather hates God.

- You're annoying her.

- She's examining something most people would think is gross, but is pretty much unmoved by it. Or she's unmoved by someone being in trouble. Or she's trying to gross you out again.

- She might just actually be looking up. She might be upset, she might be uneasy, or she might just be being serious.

- She feels isolated, or wants solitude. Or she's reminiscing about when life was still normal.

- Boozing.

- She talking about the hospital. Or dead people.

- She's talking about Valtiel.

- She's has out her pokemon, aw.

- She smiling, but more likely than not it's totally fake. If you're, let's see here... Kabuto, Kon, Momoko, Buffy, Ying, Kira, or a few other people I'm bound to be forgetting (Omi!), it's probably real because she really likes you. If not, she's probably plastering it on in her continued attempts to become a friendly person.

- Like the keywords say, she's totally content.

- I always forget I have this icon, which sucks because I like it a lot. She's noticed something, but is more curious than really shocked or surprised.

- Another religious icon, but if she's using this one she isn't being really bitter, hateful, or depressed about it. More likely than not she's talking to someone else about their religion, but she might also be talking about her own role in the cult without as much anger as usual, probably because she's talking about it detachedly.

- Either you're Kabuto, or she's being sappy about him at you.

- She's using her powers. I really really like it in the few canon images of her where her eyes look pretty orange, so I made that an indication of when she's actively using her magic.

- You're so damn stupid, or whatever's being discussed is, and she isn't even going to try and hide how she feels. Or she has a headache.

- Like the UFO icon, she usually uses this in character as a 'I have no idea how to respond to that' icon. Sometimes another talking about the hospital one too.

- She's wary.

- She's either asleep, or is only restraining herself from banging her head against a table/wall/tree/other hard thing because she told Kabuto she wouldn't do that.

- She's giving you directions, or the link to a website that'll explain something to you, or is actually physically leading you somewhere. Or you might be Sunako, in which case she's just using it because she always sticks to shadowy icons with her out of kindness.

- Another one where the keywords pretty much totally describe it. She feels sick, she's dying, or she's remembering the really bad parts of being Alessa.

- The only out and out threatening gun icon she has. If she uses this icon at you and you're not using the monster account? Then you are in deep shit with her. Unless you're Lady or Wolfwood or Sanzo or someone else who she'd just be showing off her gun to.

- She just needed a hugging icon.

- She's naked! What? I'll probably use them in character again someday. And art nudes are pretty. You sadly can't really see this once it's shrunk down to icon size, but in the one with her arms crossed over her chest the model has freckles all down her arm, which is entirely why I picked it.

Okay! So, I totally lied when I said I'd just do ones I used often. And this reminds me that I need to reupload the other one where she's kneeling, since it has a different, more active, feel to it. But now, if she ever uses an icon at you and you have no idea why, you have a handy-dandy reference guide. Unless you're as lazy as I am, in which case you wouldn't bother. Or unless I'm using it with one of the meanings I've forgotten to list. Oh well!
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