I'm real tired and bored. I never went to bed last night!!! It was neato. Tomorrow Dawn of the Dead comes out, such a badass movie. Can't wait to buy it. I hate being avoided, why start talking again? I started looking at apartments in New Mexico yesterday. I have no fucking clue yet...
I'm not having fun... Two of my better girl friends are pissed at me. I had a huge month long group project presentation this morning for my 8 AM class. We went out yesterday and bought all the supplies we would need. (We were making ice cream sundaes because it's an elementary ed class.) So I, of course, keep the ice cream because I have friends
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Why is everyone on my floor such a pretentious piece of shit?! You're a music major, not some fucking under-rated genius. On top of that, I can make better music than you
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My journal will be friends only from now on. I'm doing this for no point other than to see if I have any online stalkers pretty much. That and I'm so cool. Comment to be added.
I think I'm getting sick, or getting over being sick, I can't tell really. Either way I feel like shit. Haha, I skipped all of my classes today due to illness, but still rode for like 2 hours. I=bikedork
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It's like twenty degrees in my room... WHY IS THE DAMN WINDOW OPEN?!? 'Cause I'm too short to close it. It's like 10 feet up there I think. This isn't really that interesting
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