• Nobodies are like normal people. Really, they are. They think, they feel, etc. While yes, they are missing "hearts," what it is isn't as Xehanort defines. Xehanort claims that since they lack "hearts," they are unable to feel. NO. This isn't true at all. As seen in the novel, Nobodies can really feel. What they actually lack is the feeling of being Complete. Of being their Other. Like, say, Saix. He can remember being the Other, knows of what makes Isa ticks what makes him happy, etc, it isn't the same because what makes Isa Isa is something that Saix doesn't. He doesn't laugh at a joke he might have laughed at as Isa and realizes that lack. He doesn't feel complete, nor like Isa at all. Further brainwashing by Xehanort makes them think that the feeling of incompleteness is their lack of heart - and the lack of emotion.
• Namine is taken from post-KH2. While she has stopped being a meek push-over, she believes that Nobodies aren't meant to fade into darkness or disappear -- she thinks that they were meant to be reunited with their others.
• For now, Namine's own value for her life and personal interests are secondary to that of returning to Kairi. (No reason to make friends when she'll one day have to return to Kairi.) She seems to have resigned herself, or consoled herself that while she loses her identity and individuality, everything will be alright as long as Kairi and Sora were together --> Roxas.
• Her separation from Kairi is a blow to her. At first, it would be because of her existence being wrenched away from what she already had resigned and accepted to be the truth -- that she was meant to be with Kairi. Which would point back to number two.
• In CoM, Namine was taken care of mostly by the Organization. If not themm it would be the lesser Nobodies assigned to her who cares for her things such as meals, laundry, etc. As for the events of pre-KH2 and 358/2 Days, Namine resided in the abandoned manor in Twilight Town with DiZ and Riku.
○ She spent majority of that time watching over Sora and piecing together his memories as repentance. She was occasionally visited by Riku and DiZ himself.
○ Considering DiZ's own lack of respect towards Namine, it would be assumed that they hardly interacted at all and that she had to look out for herself more often than not. Cooking, cleaning and laundry would be something that Riku would have taught her.
○ She changed dresses eventually. Bought it in Twilight Town?
• During the events of KH2, where Roxas rejoined Sora, DiZ ordered Namine killed. Riku didn't listen to this and brought Namine to Axel, who brought her to safety. Or rather, left her so he could stalk Sora and kidnap Kairi. Namine would be unaccountable for a period of time before she rescues Kairi near the end of the game.
• While omniscient in regards to Xion, she too was affected by Xion's death. She doesn't remember anything about her at all.
== edits, will have to fix to coherence ==
Soul Campaign
Starting information
Namine has existential problems. (Then again, whoever's from KH has it anyway.)
All of her short three years of life, she has been listening to the endless propaganda of "Nobodies have no right to exist" and realized for herself that "Nobodies don't disappear, they become complete." Now that she is separated from Kairi and losing her happiness (contentment?) by voluntarily losing her independence and identity (merely watching from Kairi's body) and now forced to be incomplete again and live her life separately thanks to "BREW," she's far from the happiest camper.
She's given the choice to fight (something she herself is unwilling to do on her own) to return to Kairi, of course. But then the question would be: does she have the right to make friends and be happy having them when in the end, she'll have to disappear and doubles as a betrayal of sorts to her goal.
Namine doesn't want to take this time to stretch out and be… herself. Like enjoying this time was a vacation or even be grateful that she's given the opportunity to not be a Nobody, to just be a Namine. Making friends (especially when they don't know what she's done to her own so-called friends; breaking their minds and piecing them all back together is a nice start for redemption and Sora's the forgiving sort, but that's why she has to give it the benefit of the doubt) going to balls and even just existing is a crime. This isn't all altruistic, though. There's frustration as well. She's resigned herself to be a shadow that will forever exist but never beyond what Kairi will let her (secondhand seeing, feeling, experiencing) and accepted it but now it's all thrown in her face. There's also the fact that she is only half of a person, and that person is out there, who will go out and be fighting heartless and nobodies without her. Her somebody could even die and she would never know, all because she was enjoying herself. Especially with people she will eventually leave behind.
It's a given in CoM that yes, Namine was lonely to the point that she did ask for a friend, luring Sora to her and manipulating his and Riku Replika's memories so that she could have friends. An entirely selfish thing that she does pay for and paid for later and is still paying for, though she was glad that she didn't have to anymore after joining Kairi. She's lucky to have them as friends and anyone more than them, anyone else who doesn't know how terrible she was at being one is, in a way, something she perceives to be a deception and a lie. But while she does want to be close to people, she doesn't think she deserves it. She was just a lot more proactive in KH2 since she had a goal.
Getting her back up to KH2 levels will take time and unfortunately, a lot of CR. Things that would need work with her (that I can point out) would be her sense of self-identity and self-worth and that while they will be separated, THEIR HEARTS ARE STILL CONNECTED, (which brings the problem of her not having a heart in the first place.) Funny how she can't remember something like that, when it's one of the main themes of KH. But considering that a lot of characters are realists/pessimists in that game and Sora/Kairi are eternal optimists, well.
That's all the warnings so far.
to come