I need to say this:

Mar 09, 2006 21:20

Most of you don't need to read this. Scratch that, none of you need to read this. I just need it easily accessible should I need it in the near future.

If Carrie and I were going on a picnic, we would bring the following:alligator, balloons, cup o' coffee, dinosaur (a big one, not one of those ones where you add water and they expand), eggshells, (pretty, tropical) fishies, gondola (to keep the fishes in), horsey, an icicle (for the horse to eat), a hot jewboy (I has standards), a kazoo (thejewboy will play it), a lion, mash taters, napkins, one oreo (for me),a pillow, queso, rabbit, skwabbit, a turtle, an umbrella (it's raining), a vampire (to eat her rabbit), white chocolate (we need more food), an x-ray machine, your mom, and a zebra.
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