That's it guys, we have our characters for the last
Random character project set, and they are:
Moving on:
Steve Rogers (Captain America/MCU)
Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones/MCU)
Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
John Watson (BBC Sherlock)
New characters:
Cosima Niehaus (Orphan Black)
Kala Dandekar (Sense8)
Liv Moore (iZombie)
Peter Hale (Teen Wolf)
Ravi Chakrabarti (iZombie)
Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
As we said, this round is open for everyone and we'd love to have you with us! The challenge is very simple, make one icon about each of the characters listed above.
How to enter:
- The deadline is 9.12. That's a month for just 10 icons, so hopefully a lot of people will find that time! :) This has been a very chill, icon at your own pace kind of project for us so we want to give a lot of time for this round too, and since it's the last round there's really no hurry even if it gets close to deadline. If you're almost done with a set but could use a few more days, just say so and you'll definitely get all the time you need.
- The sets do need to be complete, so please make an icon for each character, even if you're unfamiliar with their fandom. That's part of the fun for us, getting to know new fandoms while we've been doing this project, so if you want to be inspired to icon those characters you may not know, you could always participate in our extra challenge of watching an episode or movie for each character and posting your thoughts on them.
- The characters need to be specifically from the given fandom (so for example, iconing Sherlock from another adaptation wouldn't be allowed, because thats not the specific character who was voted to move on)
- However, if the same specific character appears in different fandoms or different parts of fandom, you can use any of those media for your icon (e.g. you could use caps of The Defenders or Jessica Jones for Jessica)
- There can be other characters in the icons
- When you're done, send the complete set to me via PM. Clearly identify which icon link corresponds to which character, you can use the form below but it's not necessary. Please use the words 'Random character project' in the title so I can easily find all the icons for the reveal post!
- I'll respond to your PM to let you know I got your set. If you don't get this response in a reasonable time (let's say in a few days), it's possible I didn't get your PM. In that case, please send me another PM or comment to this post to let me know!
- Don't share the icons elsewhere before the reveal post is posted
- No signup required, just send me your set and you're in!
If you have trouble finding caps of unfamiliar characters, I'm happy to help you find a couple of caps! Hopefully we'll get a few entries besides our own, let's make this last round really great! :)
Form to enter the icons with (via PM)
Steve Rogers: LINK
Jessica Jones: LINK
Sherlock Holmes: LINK
John Watson: LINK
Cosima Niehaus: LINK
Kala Dandekar: LINK
Liv Moore: LINK
Peter Hale: LINK
Ravi Chakrabarti: LINK
Rick Grimes: LINK
Episode thoughts (not required, but if written, please state which episode or movie you're reviewing for each!)
MCU (Steve):
MCU (Jessica):
Sherlock (Sherlock):
Sherlock (John):
Orphan Black:
iZombie (Liv):
iZombie (Ravi):
Teen Wolf:
The Walking Dead: