[application] CFUD

Jun 29, 2011 10:12

Your Name/Alias: Yukina
Age: 23
Character: Jade Harley
Series: Homestuck
Character Age: 13
Canon: Homestuck is the touching tale of four friends who destroy the Earth because they decided to play a weird reality altering game. They then proceed to doom themselves and an entire species in a completely different universe by creating an unbeatable boss. What follows after that is a tale of narrowing escapes, time shenanigans, relentless trolling, a struggle to the finish line and smooching. There's a lot of smooching.

Jade Harley is one of the four kids who began the game and is possibly the only 13 year old in the comic that acts 13. In fact, Jade can be described best as having the personality of a dog. She's always happy to see you and is optimistic that she'll make a new friend out of everyone she talks to. Her tolerance level is high and it takes a near ridiculous amount of kicking before she'll bite. Boy, does she have a bite. After all, Jade would be the first to admit that being so cheerful all the time is hard work. She isn't immune to feeling downtrodden, stressed and pissed right off. It's hard to get back on her good side once you've pushed her to that extreme. If you want to make it up to her then you should do so by talking to her about her weird hobbies. This includes perfectly normal 13 year old things like her love for fantastical anthropomorphic fauna, nuclear physics, advanced gadgetry or, better yet, Squiddles! So many Squiddles. That's what happens when you live all by yourself in the middle of the ocean. You become a fan of colorful, cartoon looking squids.

note; All Homestuck characters communicate through chat logs. Jade's chat handle is gardenGnostic and she types super peppy like and is always cheerful!!! :D

Sample Post:

-- gardenGnostic [GG] responded to the memo CampFuckers --

GG: listen up!!!!!!
GG: this
GG: is
GG: TROY!!!!!!!
GG: hehehehe
GG: i hope i got that reference right
GG: anyway as i was saying
GG: this is really unacceptable
GG: i mean about the animals of course!!!
GG: listen i showed up here out of the blue and that was kind of shock enough!!
GG: but i got here and what is the first thing i see??
GG: poor little animals being mistreated!!!!!! >O
GG: look at this you are making them work like dogs and they are not even dogs
GG: they are gorillas
GG: and cute little toucans :D
GG: my point is that none of these poor animals are being properly taken care of!!!
GG: you are not paying them!!!
GG: why are you not doing that if they are your camp welcoming committee???
GG: it sure is weird that you made them your welcoming committee though
GG: they all came to greet me in one big group and i was a little nervous
GG: but they were really friendly so it was ok!!!!
GG: that one gorilla gave me the biggest hug!!
GG: ... of course then he wouldnt let go
GG: its ok i got away
GG: maybe you should tell your gorillas they are a little TOO friendly
GG: and maybe you could also tell the toucans not to read my mind without my permission
GG: that was awkward
GG: also can you tell that goat to stop making that face??
GG: it followed me for half an hour like that
GG: i didnt even know goats could cry
GG: it was really weirding me out >_>
GG: i dont know what a varnishing error is but that is something you should fix so it will stop making that face at me
GG: it finally left though
GG: actually all the animals have wandered off :(
GG: im going to go find them so i can thank them properly for the warm welcome!!!
GG: dont try to stop me
GG: SOMEONE has to be nice to them!
GG: look i see them over there!
GG: oh no
GG: what is this D:
GG: this does not look like a friendly gathering of cuddly animals!!
GG: were you lion to me all this time??
GG: oh jeez you have got to be kitten me

-- gardenGnostic [GG] was banned from the memo CampFuckers by Camp's Wildlife [CW] --

In at 97.7%, voted here!

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