
May 20, 2006 09:08

Tagged by twistedlillstarList 10 fictional figures you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag 5 people to do the same.

1. Rincewind (Terry Pratchett's Discworld)

- I have a thing for skinny bearded guys, even if he's most likely to stand there going "Mwaaaa...."

2. Kuchiki Byakuya (Bleach)

- Really, head-explodingly pretty? Check. Gorgeous hair? Check. Face that never cracks a smile? Check.

3. Havelock Vetinari (Discworld)

- He has the awesomest sense of twisted humour ever. And the way Paul Kidby draws him? Well, Dracula's got nothing on him.

4. Death (Discworld)

- Socially awkward, prone to philosophy, likes cats - what more can I say? (Well, there's that bit about him being made of bones, now that I think about it....)

5. Destruction (Sandman)

- Totally. Cute. Irishman.

6. Greed (Full Metal Alchemist)

- Crazy, sharp-toothed, constantly wears sunglasses. Extra plus? He can alchemize body so it becomes harder than stone.

7. Pip Bernadette (Hellsing).

- Sexy. French. Wise-cracking. His hair is longer than mine, and since I can sit on mine, that's a real accomplishment.

8. Axel (Kingdom Hearts 2)

- I have a thing for redheads, and he? Sexy redhead. Doesn't matter that he totally wants Roxas.

9. Integral Wingates Hellsing (Hellsing)

- To make this list a little more gender-equal. I'm firmly heterosexual, but I'd go over to the other team for a while if it meant getting a shot at Integral.

10. Nova (Bleach)
(Unable to find picture)
- My redhead-fetish strikes again. Even though you never get to see his face properly, even though he wears the silliest pants I've come across in ages and ages, and even though he talks about as much as a corpse. Green eyes, red hair? Gimme!

I'm not tagging anyone, since it looks like I have really few people on my friendslist, but anyone else is more than welcome to try.

(Edited to add pictures)

list, meme

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