A - act your age - Depends
B - breast size - 32D
C - chore you hate - Tidying
D - dad's name - John
E - essential make up item - Liquid Eyeliner
F - favorite singer - Depends, Annie Lennox for now
G - gold or silver - Silver, gold clashes with my skin
H - hometown - Beaconsfield
I - instruments you play(ed) - Recorder/Guitar - badly
J - job title - "Office Assistant" but i'm trying for an upgrade to PA
K - kids - no...
L - living arrangements - right now, avec mes parents
M - mum's name - Helen
N - number of people you've slept with? - I think i may refuse to answer this on grounds i may incriminate myself...
O - overnight hospital stays - two
P - promises broken - I don't think i've broken one... least not on purpose
Q - quote you like - I'm a quote-a-holic, today's quote can be "a lot of arrogance is an ugly thing but a man with not enough is to be pitied" - Stephen King, actually that may be a corrupt quote... hmmm..... maybe i should just use the classic "I have strategy and you're not in it" - buffy
R - religious affiliation - religion of me, which would take a long time to explain and i don't want to
S - siblings - 1 brother
T - time you wake up - 8.30am
U - underwear of choice - depends what i'm wearing on top, and where i'm going and who i'm going there with and stuff...
V - vegetable you refuse to eat - brussel sprouts, celery
W - worst habit - being vain and a quotaholic
X - x-rays you've had - skull, teeth, elbow, wrist, shoulder, hips... wow i've had a lot of x-rays...
Y - yummy food you make - pasta bake, bikkies
Z - zodiac sign - sagittarius