(Also brought about by mein buddy,
Battle Network DS! It would be soooo awesome. I will try my paw at ascii art, so don't be too scared if it looks awful.
| ------------------------------- |
| | [ ][ ][ ][ Z][ ][ ]| |
| | [ ][ X ][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
| | [ ][ ][ ][ Z][ ][ ]| |
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[ L] ooooooo oo||oo[ R]
| (power) [sel|strt] |
| ----------------------- |
| ^ | | x y |
| < >| | a b |
| v | | |
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Well, I couldn't get the   thing to work, so it's screwed up, but you get the idea.
Well, no matter how much it sucks..the top screen would be the battle screen, using the usual 3x6 grid, and the bottom touch screen would be the chip screen. Instead of using the custom gauge and having to hit R/L to bring it up, the custom gauge would be more like a timer until you get new chips, which would appear at the bottom of the screen. When you want to use a chip, hit the chip's display on the bottom screen and Mega would use it in battle. If you used all 5 chips, you had to wait until you got more chips (when the custom gauge fills) to use more. You'd move around on the grid by using the d-pad, shoot your buster using the L trigger, or for you left-handers, using the buttons and the right trigger. Outside of battle, you'd have Denkai up on the top screen (or the net, or wherever you would go in the game, another trip to Yumland, maybe? I love that place =3), the menu down at the bottom so you can check your email and organise your deck on the go. Maybe even with the wireless abilities of the DS trade chips and send email to others in range just like it were a real pet! You could even send challenge requests to the other while you're on the net, and on the top and bottom screens it would flash 'DANGER!' (like in the MMX games when you start a boss battle) and you would chose to accept the battle. I think the 'card' based fighting style and rpg elements would transfer over well to the dual screen. Vicks, this was mainly your fault so let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for improving it =)
BTW- Did you know?!: I have a
Sheezyart account? Yeah. I do.