Goodbye degree...Hello world

May 23, 2007 17:11

So I should have posted this yesterday but the sheer euphoria of it made me to forget but...

I'M DONE. That's right, you heard right, I have almost officially completed my three year university degree (LLB LAW) and pending the release of results (and me actually passing all the required modules) and graduation, this is pretty much it. My life of official learning is, as far as actual learning is concerned, OVER. Finito. Complete. Done.

All my friends have said the same thing; that it feels weird. Most immediately because we now have a big void in our lives, time to spare where we were previously busy cramming and stuffing as much information into our brains as possible. And ever in the years prior, we had "recommended reading" to do in preparation for the year to come...but there are no more years to come! (I hope...I probably jinxed myself now and failed a module and will have to completely re-take the year...)

Before exams were over, I was all, "man, I wish I didn't have exams so I could this that and the other" and now I'm like, "...what did I want to do again?"

And then there's the longer consideration of the future. Everyone's doing this thing where they go out and get real jobs...I'm delaying this as much as possible and already plans are in action - I'm headed to Whistler, British Columbia (Canada) late October, early November, to work a ski season. My visa (when it eventually comes through) lasts a year though so I might stay out there longer than the anticipated ski season end (April) and find another job.

Then I plan to hightail it down to Australia and New Zealand, and get jobs down there. That visa is three years though, so I'll be gone a while!

I just can't stomach the idea of getting a job which has specified hours. The kind of job that requires me to sign a contract for a lot of years, committing myself to it and the tasks it entails. Yes I have to sign a contract for the ski resort job, but that's only six months. The thought of signing something longer than's like being married. Well, it's good to know I don't have commitment issues, isn't it?

Well anyway, too much forward thinking. Spontaneity rules so, let's just celebrate me finishing exams and effectively (though not technically) my degree. Get a drink guys - it's on the house!..haha

boredom, the human condition

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