This is just too funny for words...

May 29, 2007 18:23

Or possibly insane would be a better word.

So, we saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End the other day. And the ending kept nagging at me (don't worry, no spoilers here), so I wrote up a 700+ little ficlet last night and threw it up on and FanLib (And no, this is not a FanLib story.)

I woke up this morning to find that I had over 400 hits, 4 (now 5) reviews, had been favorited by 6 users, added to a C2, and - get this - had been inducted into a PotC Hall of Fame.

Clearly, I've been writing in the wrong fandom all these years, if a Will/Elizabeth ficlet written in about an hour engenders this sort of response!

SO insane. On a positive note, I got some very nice feedback, most of it of the intelligent variety and none of the "omg, this is teh kewl, wright more" type. But I can't figure this out, considering that at least SOME of the PotC fic I've read has been decent.


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