I love delicious, but damn. I have been having so much trouble with the site recently.
First, when the change over happened to the new owners, I found that my bookmarking tool wasn't registering that I was logged it. It meant that to save a bookmark I had to go into the site and do it the long way. When I messaged them about it, they kept insisting that it was an issue on my end. They told me that until they figured out the issue and fixed it, I would just have to keep randomly trying to bookmark with the tool.
Second. I got the bookmarker back after a couple of months of not hearing from them. So I started to bookmark again. Only to realise that despite the fact that I was logged it, it wasn't registering that the story was saved. So I had to go back and find all the stories that I'd read and 'saved' and so it all again.
Now, they have changed to a new layout. I honestly don't like it. There was nothing wrong with the old layout, and this new one is annoying. I'm in my links, and can't search for a particular link I've saved because it doesn't seem to register that it exists.
And just generally searching for links is tedious, because there are no page numbers anymore. GRR.