(no subject)

Nov 24, 2003 18:42

Name - Caitlin Mae Cadley
Birth date - 2/6/88
Birthplace - good ol NY state...
Current location - fayetteville... yay..
Eye color - brown
Hair color - what used to be purple is now brown... damn.
Height - 5'1''
Righty or lefty - righty
Zodiac sign - aquarius
Turn on's - uhhmmm...sexual: neck,ear, and sometimes my wrist... its really odd. i know =P Physical: i dont care.. just as long as i think youre cool and youre cute. =) Turn off's - people who are really immature and are really annoying.
Your heritage - Irish, German, english, welsh, and some scottish in me blood.
The shoes you wore today - sandles/clogs
Your weakness - my ankles
Your fears - deep water, heights, and uhh... yea thats it i think.
Your most overused phrase on AIM - haha
Your thoughts when you first wake up - poop... ive gotta take a shower and actually get clean... (just kidding, i just wanna sleep)
Your best physical feature - my eyes, or lips i guess? idk!!! ask someone else for me!
Your bedtime - whenever i want to go to sneep
Your most missed memory - hmm.. good question, i havent had to many of those...
Your hardest break up -none... arent i special.
Pepsi or Coke - well if i had to decide.... Pepsi i guess considering i own part stock in it.
Mcdonalds or Burger king - doesn't matter
Single or group dates- uhmm...
Adidas or Nike - fuck em both. i just like shoes
Lipton or Nestea iced tea - hehe... heheheheh... SUAGR.
Chocolate or vanilla - chocolate
Smoke - nope. neva.
Cuss - yeah... *guilty*
Sing - yup
Take a shower everyday - yea....
Have a crush(es) - yes, no , maybe, so.... who cares. lol.
Do you think you've been in love - no
Want to go to college - yes
Like highschool - just to see my friends and get in trouble.
Want to get married - if it comes to that.... if im lucky.
Believe in yourself - yea sorta... in a weird twisted way.
Think you're attractive - not really.
Think your a health freak - haha! NO.
Get along with your parents - dad yes. i dont have a mom....
Like thunderstorms - love them
Play an instrument - piano
In the past month...
Drank alcohol - ew...don't like it
Smoked - nope
Done a drug - nope
Had sex - still a virgin, yipee for me.
Made out - nope. im a sad child. its bc im ugly.
Gone on a date - i don't think so, no.
Gone to the mall - yea
Eaten an entire box of Oreos - i wish.... now youre making me hungry damn it!!!.
Eaten sushi - never had it before
Been onstage - yes a lot.
Been dumped- nope
Gone skating - not yet
Made homemade cookies - yes!!
Gone skinny dipping - never have.
Dyed your hair - not w/in the past month
Stolen anything - not in the last month...wait, i dunno. can't remember
Played a game that required removal of clothing - no...
Been trashed or extremly intoxicated - no.
Been caught "doing something" - no...
Been called a tease - no
Gotten beaten up in kindergarten - i was too nice to be beaten up...hehe.
Shoplifted -maybe a five finger discount once in a while lol... *guilty again*
Changed who you were to fit in - sometimes.... but ive learned my lesson. People who do that are really insecure and i used to be like really insecure. But not as much now.
Age you hope to be married - whenever it happens..if it does, i'll know.
Number of children - 1 or 2
Describe your dream wedding - i dunno...
How do you want to die - peacefully.
Where do you want to go to college - Holy Cross, or Emory.
What do you want to be when you grow up - artist or journalist.
What country would you most like to visit - Ireland. i dont know if thats even a country. o well. that just proves how smart i am.
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color - blue or brown... but i really dont care.
Best hair color - black/brown.
Short or long hair - depends on how the look with it...
Height - anything taller than i am...which is pretty much everyone...
Best weight - depends...if they weigh a lot and its muscle, its good
Best articles of clothing - dont care as long as they look good in it.
Best first date location - uhh...
Best first kiss location - wherever it happens....
Number of tatoos - 0
Number of times your names appeared in the newspaper - 3 or 4 maybe?
Number of scars on my body - haaha too many to count... those of you who know me know what im talking about ;)
Number of illegal drugs taken - zero
Number of CDs that I own - never counted
Number of piercings - two in each ear... nothing more. YET. If youre wondering why i did this... yea i was bored as hell... so yea... read my info i guess lol.
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