AnIrishFaith: hi
LsTnToTheRain: hey
LsTnToTheRain: whats up?
AnIrishFaith: nothing.. look i gotta talk to you sorta and it's nothing bad
AnIrishFaith: i just feel like we're getting sorta... "distant"
LsTnToTheRain: yeah...
LsTnToTheRain: i dunno
LsTnToTheRain: i've been growing kind of distant w/ a lot of people
AnIrishFaith: I'm not blaming anyone here I'm just saying all of a sudden I feel distant from you
AnIrishFaith: like who?
LsTnToTheRain: its one of my trans....trans....trans-something moments
AnIrishFaith: transfiguration?
LsTnToTheRain: yeah
LsTnToTheRain: that
LsTnToTheRain: lol
AnIrishFaith: hehe
LsTnToTheRain: i do this every once and awhile, i grow distant from 'close' friends and i get to know other people, then i'll get back with my old friends again
LsTnToTheRain: so, don't take it personally
AnIrishFaith: ok well.. it was just weird
AnIrishFaith: did you read my script yet?
LsTnToTheRain: no, not yet
LsTnToTheRain: lol
AnIrishFaith: well some of it it's not even close to being done
AnIrishFaith: yea i figured
AnIrishFaith: what's goin on? I mean why all of a sudden like the distantness sorta?
LsTnToTheRain: i dunno
LsTnToTheRain: i that sometimes
LsTnToTheRain: not often sometimes, just...sometimes, every so often
LsTnToTheRain: lol
AnIrishFaith: are you sure there isn't more to that answer?
LsTnToTheRain: its happend before. I usually do it when i get annoyed and/or bored with my old friends and want to do something new, but i usually always go back to my other friends
AnIrishFaith: bored?
LsTnToTheRain: yeah
AnIrishFaith: are we boring now?
AnIrishFaith: lol
LsTnToTheRain: i'm, annoyed and bored, i guess
LsTnToTheRain: and i do it when something 'happens'
AnIrishFaith: annoyed with who?
AnIrishFaith: everyone?
AnIrishFaith: what happened/
LsTnToTheRain: i dunno...just....people
LsTnToTheRain: sam broke up w/ me...
LsTnToTheRain: lol
AnIrishFaith: i know that
LsTnToTheRain: so...thats what happend
AnIrishFaith: im not saying this is what your doing but it seems like every time something bad happens you shut yourself awau for a while and i never really know you until you come out and i dunno i think maybe you should just admit the fact something bad happened really take time to think about it and try to get over it. move on with life. there are always more fish in the see, theres more things to do in life than forget about your friends. i think sometimes the reason you're "bored" with us is bc you need something new to forget about that old thing that happened.
AnIrishFaith: sorry
AnIrishFaith: you had times when you "bitched" me out... now its my turn
AnIrishFaith: lol
LsTnToTheRain: you are only partially correct
AnIrishFaith: i probably am
AnIrishFaith: and i admit that
AnIrishFaith: im not saying you forget about your old friends , you jsut get really distant
AnIrishFaith: thats what i meant
LsTnToTheRain: i do block myself off because i don't want to talk about it. Not that i want to just forget it or whatever, but i want time to myself. Just, to be alone and get over whatever happend by myself
LsTnToTheRain: i dont' forget my old friends, i just move on to meet new people
LsTnToTheRain: and i do admit that something bad happend. And i know that i'll get over it, but it takes time
LsTnToTheRain: and i know that theire are other 'fish in the sea', thats not the whole reason why do this
AnIrishFaith: but are you sure that the alone time isn't just to get depressed? meeting new people can't be an excuse to forget about something that you have to admit happened and i mean meeting new ppl isnt going to "solve" anything
AnIrishFaith: i mean you have time to yourself
LsTnToTheRain: i know
AnIrishFaith: then why do you do it
LsTnToTheRain: because there are other people out there that i can get advice from
AnIrishFaith: i mean meeting new ppl can be fun but u cant run away from problems
LsTnToTheRain: making new friends isn' tlike a drug, i don't do it to forget about my problems
AnIrishFaith: i hope not
AnIrishFaith: like who? who have u met to get advice from?
LsTnToTheRain: i do it to meet new people and i talk to them and i see wha ti can and can't talk to and see what i can get from them when i talk to them
LsTnToTheRain: like kristi, and i'm growing towards marlee
LsTnToTheRain: and andy has always been there
AnIrishFaith: obviously
AnIrishFaith: wait so you talk to people to compare our advice and see who's is better ?
AnIrishFaith: im lost
LsTnToTheRain: not compare
LsTnToTheRain: but i get advice from my old friends all the time/whenever i need it
LsTnToTheRain: but like you said, there are always more fish in the sea. there are always more people tha ti can talk to about my problems, and there are always more people to meet and get to know
AnIrishFaith: making new friends meaning talking to totaly strangers? i mean you've known kristi for a while but shes not a totaly stranger to you. and i mean, i just don't get it
LsTnToTheRain: no
LsTnToTheRain: its...complecated
LsTnToTheRain: *complicated
AnIrishFaith: obvioulsy
LsTnToTheRain: i don't talk to total strangers
AnIrishFaith: *obviously
LsTnToTheRain: i get to know them
AnIrishFaith: i just don't get why the change
LsTnToTheRain: like i dont' just wake up one day and decide 'well, i'm going to transfigure today'
LsTnToTheRain: it happens over time
LsTnToTheRain: usually over a couple of weeks or month or something
AnIrishFaith: i mean how long does this "thing" last? and how do you know that once you get to know those people you are getting to know, that once something bad happpens about you arent just going to leave them behind to.
LsTnToTheRain: it starts out subconciously
AnIrishFaith: it's a cycle.
LsTnToTheRain: its a cycle, but i'm not leaving people behind
LsTnToTheRain: i just take a break
LsTnToTheRain: i need air...variety
LsTnToTheRain: thats why i have so many friends
LsTnToTheRain: because i spread myself out
LsTnToTheRain: and its not only when something bad happens
LsTnToTheRain: it just kind of happens...when i get 'bored', or need to breath
AnIrishFaith: but if you need air and stuff and here you are making new friends i mean... you're still hanging out with heather and stuff... ugh
AnIrishFaith: confusion
LsTnToTheRain: not really
AnIrishFaith: bored? i hate that excuse
LsTnToTheRain: i don't really hang out with her a lot anymore
LsTnToTheRain: currently, i'm in the 'andy/joe/sam' type range
LsTnToTheRain: i think it goes from guys to girls, i dunno
LsTnToTheRain: lol
LsTnToTheRain: and its not an excuse
LsTnToTheRain: its the truth
AnIrishFaith: i just feel like sometimes you need more people to think you're cool or sexy or whatever.. like attention... i hate being a bitch to you merrick u know i love you but i... i don't know anymore
LsTnToTheRain: what other word do you want me to use?
LsTnToTheRain: no, thats not why i do it
AnIrishFaith: that's the impression i get sometimes... well a lot of times actually. like with andy and stuff,
LsTnToTheRain: me and andy kid around like that, and i kid around like that all the time. thats just the way i am
LsTnToTheRain: i don't do it to get attention all the time
AnIrishFaith: it doesn't act like it. you like it when he says those things it makes you feel secure...
LsTnToTheRain: if i do it and i'm like, depressed or something, then i'm doing it for attention
LsTnToTheRain: well, it does, but i don't do it just to hear him say it
AnIrishFaith: it feels like you change so much
AnIrishFaith: and then i'm left in the dust
AnIrishFaith: first it was the sam thing and stuff when you were with him and i mean... it's weird
LsTnToTheRain: but i have been drifting from you a bit more however
AnIrishFaith: i know you "loved" him but i mean... i talked to other ppl about this too and the felt the same way
AnIrishFaith: why?
AnIrishFaith: i couldnt be any happier right now!
LsTnToTheRain: i didn't "love him
LsTnToTheRain: *"love"
LsTnToTheRain: i never fell in love with him. i've never fallen in love before
LsTnToTheRain: and i know that you couldn't be happier, its been happening for awhile
AnIrishFaith: im like the happiest person in the world thanks to that movie! yea it sounds cheezy i dont care... ever since i saw that ive been amazingly happy bc its the best movie ive ever seen and everythings great! i nkow what i wanna do when i grow up
AnIrishFaith: and im not labeling myself anything i dont know what i am yet
AnIrishFaith: im not bi or gay whatever i mean maybe I am but im not going to worry about that now
AnIrishFaith: and now all of a sudden you say we've been drifting for a while!?!
“LsTnToTheRain” is away from the computer as of 5:10:25 PM.
AnIrishFaith: great.
Auto response from LsTnToTheRain: on the telephone...
AnIrishFaith: yeah.