Graduation Reception

Jun 06, 2005 16:10

Pictures from the Reception after the Ceremony...

Pictures with Teachers

Turner, Kris, Perrier, and Nati's Loser Hand....

Same Picture minus the loser hand

With Nati....

Cronin, Me and McFarland...

Kris and I with our fav English Teacher (which i''m starting to conclude isnt very photogenic lol)

Nati, Bernie, and Kris

Silly people...

Other Pics with my now ex-classmates, alumni Class of 2005!

Kris, Nati and Me



Robert again! but with serious face now... (my hair was out of control at the reception...)

Our fav Senior class president! Samantha! :-)

Sammy, Nati, Kris, me and Andre

Me and Gatsby!

The pearl ladies!!

Me, Kris, Bogo, and Nati

Dancing the waltz with my daddy :-)

Kris and Sam dancing...

Jen and Victor

Moi, my brother and Jen


Weeeee... champagne! hehe... Julia, silly Nati, and Kris

Nati, Kris, Moi, and Sam

The End

(now is when I rushed out of school, got ready and left for the party...)

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