Pictures from the Party!! Soooo much fun, tons of memories... I heart you all!
Kris and I
Malu, Nati and I enjoying the silly accesories from the hat- man (in the background)
Me and my favorite drummer Drew! (srrry Nick... i still love you!)
Andrew... being well Andrew
Kris and Victor on the Dance Floor
The Amini Sisters
Ary, Zhaleh and Me
Malu and me
Marcs! "the loner" hehe :-P
Malu and Kris
Random Pics from the dancefloor (when they started playing Can you feel it and 3/4 of our senior class went crrraaazzyy hehe )
Awww look at that... Unity and Class Spirit...
Ana "teaching" Tomi how to dance lol
Silly Kris
Jen and I... that's not a...great picture of either one of us
Malu sleeping...
Our VIP room transformed to a sleeping lounge at around 5 AM...
And to finish off... Me and my favorite freshman Pati! isn't she the cutest?
* Some pictures were not posted because well... I value my life lol