
Sep 08, 2005 19:24

Summer went by so fast, I can't believe all that I did in so little time, and how much I changed.

Spent the night with someone? Yeah, of course, spent most of the summer spending the night with someone.
Laughed until you almost peed your pants? Yes, can't recal exactly who with or what about, but definitely remember doing it.
Vacation? Yes, went to Holland and England. Before that I went to California, that was for a wedding, so I don't know if it really counts.
Tanned? Do burns turning into tans count?
Went to a camp? No, haven't for two years.
Swam? On travel tournaments and in California.
Went to the movies? A good number, in fact I even saw The Island while I was in Holland.
Gone shopping? As usual, yes, and spent so much money.
Had a job? TACO TIME BITHCES, and I volunteered at Bumbershoot.
Gotten freakishly bored? Usually during the summer, but there was no time to this summer.
Have you gotten sun burned yet? I'm so pasty how could I not have?!
Made a bonfire? If you count the ones in my firepit in the backyard then YES!
Been outside during a lightning storm? Yes, played softball during it in fact.
Been to another state? Yes, California.
Been to another country? Yes, Holland and England.
Changed someting about your appearance? Not really, might have lost a couple of pounds, clothing style is a little different.
Been to the the hospital with an injury? Not this summer.
Commited a crime/broken the law? Let's see, smoking, drinking, speeding...I think so.
Gone on a road trip? Sort of, if you count driving endless hours to travel tournaments.
Had a g/f or b/f? Nope, single.
Dumped a g/f or b/f? Didn't have one to dump.
Been to a concert? Yeah, a few actually, pretty good concerts too.
Been in trouble with the cops/parents? I didn't know that getting into trouble with the cops and parents was the same thing, I did get in trouble with my parents of course. Nothing big though.
Had a memorable moment? Lots, some good, some bad.
Had a horrible moment? Yes, two that really stand out, and one that was a bit on going..
Had sex? YUP :p.
Ran from the law? No.
Lied to your parents? No, lol another lie.
Gotton so drunk you forgot what happened? Not that I forgot, but it is a bit hazy.
Smoked weed? Yes
Snuck out? Nope, didn't have to.
Gone skinny dipping? No
Made new friends? Yeah, a few, but mostly got closer to friends I already had.
Lost old friends? In a way, yes. They are still my friend, but not the same person.
Missed a friend? One more than anyother.
Gone on vacation with no parents? Nope, they were paying.
Slept under the stars? Yeah, with Scott, then the sprinklers came on.
Thought about school? Yeah.
Been to the beach? Nope.
Thought about a special someone? Every night.
Hoped they thought about you too? Hoped and wished, though I know it wasn't going to happen.
Smoked the Hookah? No, jsut a bong.
Played Truth or Dare? No
Done/Said something you regret while playing T or D? I didn't play.
Played in a sprinkler? YES.
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