Luckily My Hat Is Also a Pen

Mar 16, 2007 21:05

Ross: It is so hot.
Elliot: You want my jacket?

Schyler: Glotzer doesn't have a beer belly; he's thin and slender!

(John wants a new username to play W.o.W.)
John L: You think of adjectives, I'll think of nouns.
Shane: Uh...
John L: Just spit'em out.
Shane: Ok. Dumbfounded.
John L: Boat.
Shane: Crazed.
John L: Faucet.
Shane: Livid
John L: Rock
Shane: Malicious
John L: Indian!
Shane: Bright.
John L: Peanuts?
(Eventually John decides on "curious toaster".)

Elliot: Ryan, you're such a loser. You have no life. You suck at sports. You suck at school...
Ryan: What? What is this kid talking about?
Elliot: I'm trying to make you feel good.
Ryan: Do you hear the things he says to me?
Elliot: You should just start taking drugs and kill yourself.
Mrs. Bechard: Elliot! Get to work!

Tom R: I got a suit yesterday. I'm very GQ.

Dunbar: Is this like 30 seconds in the metric system?

Shane: Is the percent error supposed to be, like, ridiculous?

Bellusci: Patricia, por favor, describa la ardilla.
Patti: Es pequeña...y me molesta. Oh! Y come, uh, nueces.
Bellusci: Patricia, please describe a squirrel.
Patti: It's small...and it bothers me. Oh! And it eats, um, nuts.

(At Wally's)
Kara: Why didn't you want to go to Twist 'n' Shake?
Sara: Because Twist 'n' Shake isn't open yet. Do you know why? Because it's inferior, that's why.

Mike P: Happy birthday. How does it feel to be 18?
Mike H: Thank you! It feels awesome.
Mike P (whispering):I'm going to take you to Romantic Depot this weekend.

Shane: Is your name "Brick Denim"?
Jason: "Brick Denim". It screams, "MAN!"


delightful quotations, lol

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