Volume XXVI

Feb 16, 2009 12:20

[Private; hackable only by Agrias due to sticky]
An event barely lasts for a little more than a week and there's almost immediate concern. Hmph. I'll have sympathy after it's been several months.

I've found myself thinking about it, though. It's been about four months since I woke up one morning to find myself female and it has yet to wear off. At first I was resistant, as would anybody, I imagine, but I'm starting to think it may have grown on me. Part of it is likely because this is what I see in the mirror each morning. See it for long enough and I start to forget what I used to look like. In my memories, I know I should be male, but I'm starting to see it differently.

That should, by all intents and purposes, disturb me. Yet for some strange reason, it doesn't, or at least not as much as it used to. Maybe it's just a sense of futility kicking in. Most events last for a week, yet this has lasted four months. Perhaps I'm coming to accept that it's looking as though I might not change back so long as I'm here. I'm not really sure. At the very least, my mind remains unchanged, so I'm not about to simply change everything about me and become more feminine.

I suppose I'm allowed solace in small comforts still.

It appears the library is shorthanded yet again. What was her name again... Nodoka? I liked her. She was quiet. Makes me wish I could go back into work sooner rather than later, but I decided fairly early into this situation that I'd accompany Agrias during her patrols instead of forcing her into the library. I've no doubt my employers will be understanding of the predicament, but it doesn't change the fact that I'd like to get back as soon as possible.

Strange that I would remember my room in Castle Wrigley separately of the castle itself. It had a tendency to change after a few months; I can blame Lady Louise for that. With the exception of the bookcases lining the walls and her determination to let in as much natural light as possible, it would change according to her whims. How this color would match the wood of the bookcases, something about bringing out the color of my hair, I'm not even going to begin to understand it. However, it was spacious, which truly helped in my studies. Having enough room to spread out and not feel cramped by studies was a truly pleasant feeling.

((Please deduct a week's pay for the sticky event thus far. 1% regain on his room in Castle Wrigley. 21% total, 2% remaining.))

yomiko, maka, agrias, priscilla

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