Another survey. jesus... kill me.
First job: Jobs are for the weak
First screenname: uh... I have no idea
First self-purchased album: Pssh... hell if I know
First funeral: My uncle
First pet: Dog... named... *struggles to remember*
First piercing: Ears
First big trip: Florida
Last kiss: *giggle*
Last good cry: The other day.
Last movie seen: The Ring 2 in theaters and Ninja scroll at Jhul's house after prom
Last phone call: Right now.
Last TV show watched: Strong Medicine
Last shoes worn: Ballet flats
Last CD played: The British Invasion cd Karen made me
Last item bought: gift for Ryan because I heart him
Last soda drank: dr pepper
Last ice cream eaten: Yesterday
Last shirt worn: *looks down* This one.
Last person to im you: Briannnn
Last person you imed: Brian
Last person you talked to: Ryan
Last time you said "I love you" and meant it: No comment
Full name: Amanda.
Nickname/s: Mandy, Manda, other stuff
Natural Hair color: dirty blonde (no pun intended)
Present Hair color: Ash blonde
Eye color: Depends on my mood
Just Wondering
-What color is your underwear? Striped
-Girls, is your bra padded/do you stuff it? No, they're real.
-Do you have a crush on someone? Something like that. *winks*
-Who is the last person you hung out with? Ryan.
-Who is the last person you "did" anything with? No comment. *wink*
-Who is the first person you hugged today? Ryan
-Who is the last person you fought with? God only knows.
-Which friend would you die for? There's a few
The Morals
-Would you kiss someone you don't love? Yeah.
-Do you believe in sex before marriage? Yeah.
-Have you ever been in love? Something like it.
-Do you want to get married? Once again, if I'm drunk in vegas...
The Ending
-What is the time? 832
-How long did this take you? *Shrugs*
-Did you enjoy this? Not really.
-What did you do most during this survey? Talked on the phone and tried to type.