OK droogies, we'll see how long I can keep this up. (Shh, stop it at once.)
Using http://dictionary.reference.com/'s Word of the Day, I will attempt to use that word in a sentence with the help of Stephen and Hugh. Today we have:
So, has anyone seen this? Simon Grey's TV movie based on his play? With Tim Roth, Kevin McNally, Andrew McCarthy, and whathisname? Tall, dark-haired, slick-bodied creature of pleasure? James Fleet
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Does anybody have a Wire Image account? There are some pics of Stephen I want . . . like all of them . . . but I'm a cheap fanboy and don't want to pay $10 make-me-holla a month. Bite-sized Fry is okay, but I likes my Stephen to come by the mouthful. I mean......
As you know, our honeysuckle creamslice Stephen is turning 50 next month. As you may not know, we're doing the "Spam Him With Birthday Cards Until He Bleeds Twinings" thing again. I started a thread on his official forum describing the details. And in typical dumbassery, I forgot to notify you good people about it
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