photo by me
Official web site:
Bio (ISU):
http://www.isuresults.com/bios/isufs00005919.htm Date of birth: 20.09.1985
Place of birth: Grenoble
Height: 182 cm
Home town: Paris
Profession: student
Hobbies: music, sports, movies
Start sk. / Club: 1991 / CMSG Charleville Mezieres
Coach: Annick Dumont
Choreographer: Muriel Zazoui, Romain Haguenauer
Former Coach: Elena Issatchenko, Philippe Pelissier
Season 2009/2010
Music Short Program as of season 2009/2010: Orange Mecanique by Maxime Rodriguez
Music Free Skating as of season 2009/2010: Paint it black by Rolling Stones arranged by Maxime Rodriguez; Angie by Rolling Stones arranged by Maxime Rodriguez; Mannish Boy by Rolling Stones arranged by Maxime Rodriguez; Start Me Up by Rolling Stones arranged by Maxime Rodriguez
All results:
http://fs-collection.livejournal.com/26302.html ~~~