icon tutorial: michelle rodriguez

Apr 08, 2006 15:21

Hello! I was happy with this icon I made, posted here, so I decided to make a tutorial out of it (: This icon was made using photoshop cs2, but should be quite translatable. Any feedback is muchly appreciated (:



Step01: Crop icon to your liking.

step02: Duplicate layer, set on screen, 100% opacity. Duplicate layer again, set on soft light, 100% opacity. (Number of screen layers will depend on original brightness and lighting of icon.)

step03: Create new layers like this-

set on exclusion, 100%

set on color burn, 100%, TWICE

set on color burn, 100%

Note: Depending on your original picture, you may not necessarily get this effect. Please do experiment with exclusion layers and using different colors on color burn (i.e., aside from blue and grey, pink, tan etc.)

Step04: Duplicate original base and drag to top. Desaturate (Image-->Adjustments-->Desaturate) layer.

Step05: Set on soft light, 100%. If by this step, your picture is very dark, you might want to reduce opacity of desaturated layer, reduce color-burn layers, or add more screen layers.

Step06: Duplicate all layers and merge. Drag second image to the left (in the case of my icon)

step07: Create a new layer. Draw a straight line with a basic brush on the left side and add a polaroid brush (by ewanism)

step08: Set layer on screen.

Step09: (Other decoration)I added text in violation, 12pt, tilted slightly, and placed a brush by sanami276 behind it. For decoration, I also added boxes of shades of color that I picked randomly from the picture using the eyedropper tool, and created a white light effect.

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