You say
cliche_bingo, I say; 'I'll just steal the prompts and write them at random!" XD 344 words.
Waking up a girl hasn't changed Noda at all. She still pays an insane amount of attention to her looks and accessories, still walks with a spring in her step. Uchiyama is clothed embarrassingly in anything she could snatch from her mother's wardrobe that morning without being caught; trousers too short in the leg, comfortable, and faded.
Minami is still checking out girls. It's just that today they see her predatory smile and are misreading it completely, smiling back, wondering who this strangely friendly girl is. Not just any girl would hang out in front of Shirokin Gakuen, and yet today there is a small group of them, totally mismatched.
Sawada has been dragging her feet all the way to school. Her clothes no longer fit properly, her trousers only staying up because she forced a few new holes into her belt this morning. But it was either that, or call her sister and have to find out if they might share the same size anything (the horror, the very thought of it made Sawada turn back to the belt and continue to bore a new hole, hoping that this one would be right this time).
Reaching the school gates, Sawada wonders just how she is going to convince the others of the situation, that it really is her. It quickly turns to wondering just how she realised who was who when it came to them.
"Why didn't you borrow your sister's clothes?" Noda demands. "You are the only one of us to have a teenage sister and you don't take advantage?"
"It's so unfair," Uchiyama states, fact and not envy in her words, "even as a girl you get to be the coolest one of all of us."
Before Sawada can open her mouth to make a reply to that, she hears footsteps pounding the ground behind her.
"Guys, guys!" Kuma shouts, and none of them can turn away from the freely bouncing chest. "Take a look at these!"
Sawada gets to be the coolest, but Kuma gets to be the best-endowed.