Immortal [Hobbfic - Liveship Trilogy; Althea, Vivacia, Talley]

Apr 09, 2006 21:02

Title: Immortal [i]
Fandom: The Liveship Trilogy
Characters: Althea, Vivacia, Talley.
Challenge: QUOTE; "All men think all men mortal but themselves." - Edward Young
Notes: Hopefully part of a series of fics using various characters from The Liveship Trilogy, using moment where they feel immortal. 211 words.


"Often as a girl, she would catnap on the decks of the Vivacia, or spend an evening stretched out on the deck of her father's quarters reading his books. Dozing off always brought her vivid dreams and semi-waking fancies."


After years upon a ship, Althea knew her way around it in a professional sense. More than that, even, which came from exploring every hidey-hole possible as a child. Playing hiding and seeking games with crew-members who did not even know they were playing with her. Determining how long it would take for someone to notice she was gone, and how long then it would take for them to discover her. Hands gripping tight to the wooden poles and planks that comprised of the Vivacia, she would hear the ship whisper to her. In far lands where her mother could not sing her to sleep, she would be lulled to dreaming by the memories of the ship, singing in her great-grandmother's voice. And in her dreams she would sing to her great-grandmother's child on her own lap, and feel the salt-spray of the sea touch her cheek. Althea would come to forget these vivid memories as she grew almost completely, but her childhood was fueled by her great-grandmother Talley's iron will and bold ambitions as much as comforted by just her prescence. Whether a storm or attack or any other peril took place in her dreams or not, Althea never felt so safe afterwards knowing where and when she had been.


wordcount:101-500, fandom:hobbfic, type:gen

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