The Communities and What Gets Posted Where

Jan 01, 1991 13:03

Fandom High is played in several official communities and the character journals of our players. For an event to be considered 'canon', it has to be in either a character journal or an official community. Each community has a purpose and should only be used for certain things. Here's a list for easy access.

In-Character Communities and Journals

fandomhigh - this is the main community, moderated by the admins.
Content: Classes, Syllabi, Teacher Notifications, Homework Assignments, Exams, Detention, School Club Meetings, Welcome Picnics, etc. The only OOC post that will show up here is the official announcement that applications for teachers/students are once again open.

Posting: You should only be posting here if you're a teacher, admin, teacher's assistant/substitute or club head. All characters may comment to posts, though townies need an official reason to be on campus, such as visiting a teacher or the library.

fandomhighdorms - this is the dorm community, moderated by the admins.
Content: On-campus business/life that isn't part of clubs or classes. Shenanigans, explosions, riots, protests, magical escapades, parties. Anything set in the common areas of the dorms or campus that are open to all students and (possibly) teachers. Common room posts, posts on the grounds, visits to the gym, salle, or shooting range, stables, hallways, stairwells, etc etc go in here.

Posting: All students and teachers are allowed to post here. Try to label when and where you are (eg: 3rd Floor Common Room, Saturday night) when posting. All characters may comment to posts, but adults need a specific reason to be visiting any part of the dorm building itself beyond the lobby.

fandomtownies - this is the town (non-school) community, moderated by the admins.
Content: All goings-on in town or around the island that are open to all. Public places other than school or school grounds: businesses, the Preserve, around town, the park, the beach, coves, rocky bits, Ingvar Islet, the Isle of IKEA, etc.

Posting: All characters are allowed to post and comment here.

fandom_lounge - this is the teachers' lounge, moderated by the admins

Content: This is for teacher socialization, discussion, watching the cricket match and the heavy drinking you students drive us to.

Posting: Teachers only. No students allowed.

fandomassistant - this is the Teacher Assistants' lounge moderated by the admins.
Content: Any goings on in the TA lounge.

Posting: TAs only.

fandom_clinic - the school clinic, maintained by the admins.

Content: Any goings on in the school clinic.

Posting: Clinic staff; all characters may comment.

fhightimes - the school newspaper, moderated by whichever student is the current editor. (Currently defunct, becomes active when a student expresses interest in running it as a club.)

Content: Issues of the school newspaper, in character.

Posting: Made by the editor only. All characters may post IC reactions in the comments.

fandom_radio - the radio station moderated and maintained by fates_jaye

Content: Radio broadcasts, in character. Recaps of the day's events around Fandom.

Posting: Made by radio staff only. All characters may post IC reactions in the comments.

fh_alumni - this is for open alumni/expatriate posts, maintained by the admins.

Content: Correspondence between alumni/expatriates and current islanders or "fic" that details what the alumni has been doing since leaving Fandom High, as well as the OOC alumni/expat activity checks posted by the admins.

Posting: Alumni and expatriates only. All characters may comment.

fh_trips - for vacations and large group outings, maintained by the admins.

Content: Big group outings to a ball game, a road trip to Vegas with a lot of friends, class field trips, that kind of stuff.

Posting: The admins will post official trips. Players running smaller outings will need to contact the admins to receive temporary posting access. All characters eligible to be on any particular trip may comment on the posts!

Your Character's Personal Journal - this is not a community, but it's still here so we can tell you what kind of posts go in it!

Content: Posts set in your character's office (including teacher offices), dorm room, house, apartment, hotel room, off-island residence, or other personal space. Posts set somewhere off-island, or in your character's home universe. Posts set in a "public" part of the island that aren't open to all interaction. * The occasional post that wanders around so much that it's easiest just to keep it in one place can also go here. Posts that are primarily link drops for your character should always go here; a few links in community posts are fine if they provide context to what's going on in the post itself, but please don't turn those into personal linkdrops. OOC stuff that relates specifically to you, like personal availability, also goes here, rather than in fandomhigh_ooc.

Posting: Only the journal owner, obviously!

Out of Character

fandomhigh_ooc - this is the main OOC community, moderated by the admins.
Content: Admin announcements, OOC announcements, memes and other OOC type stuff that affects the whole game. (Not to be used for personal availability. Use your character journal for that.)

Posting: All players may post here.

fhplotterywheel - the OOC plotting community, moderated by the admins.

Content: This community is used for announcing/discussing upcoming player-run plots and working out the details of said plots. It's also great for recruiting people.

Posting: All players may post here.

ft_directory - this journal! Moderated by the admins.

Content: Maps, business directories, and permanent informational/rules posts live here, as well as polls and various other official things that are easiest to manage in a single journal rather than in a community.

Posting: Only the admins post here; players are welcome to comment.

Examples of where to post stuff!

Class post (or a note that class is cancelled): fandomhigh

Teacher's Office Hours post: personal journal

2nd floor common room of the dorms: fandomhighdorms

Your student's dorm room: personal journal

Business post: fandomtownies

Your townie's apartment: personal journal

Open beach post in Selkie Cove: fandomtownies

Secluded nook of Selkie Cove locked to two other characters: personal journal *

Announcement of an upcoming gamewide event: fandomhigh_ooc

Brainstorming about a planned player plot: fhplotterywheel

Note about your personal availability: personal journal


Unofficial/Fun Comms - These are open to all players, though you may need to request membership on the profile pages.

fh_squee is for posting favorite in-game quotes or links to threads and/or posts. These can be funny, sad, painful, powerful, anything. If you think it deserves praise, please post about it!

fandomhitunes is just what it sounds like. Got a playlist for your character? Want to post things like the OST to Snakes on a Plane? Have random songs that make you think of characters? Post them here. (If it contains links to actual music, please lock the post to community members.)

fandomtherapy is a goof-off community. It's where the players can come out and lament what their character makes them do, it's where a character can write letters of outrage to or about their player, it's where just about anything can happen, but none of it counts as "real" in the main game.

fh_fic is fiction that's based on FH characters and/situations. They can be AU, crack, how a scene should have ended etc. Anything you'd like to write. If it's meant to have happened for real in the main game, though, you'll need to either re-post it in your character's journal, or post a link from some narrative in your character's journal to the fh_fic post.

fh_icons is a place to post all the artwork you've made. It's for icons of FH characters, banners, graphics, etc.


*Private posts in public places

All good rules have exceptions! Posts that are set in public places, but locked to specific characters or just establishing your character doing something, not for interaction, should go in your character journal. Please label these in some way that lets people who are not invited have a reasonable IC explanation for not overhearing/witnessing them, like "A secluded corner of the beach" rather than just "The beach."

If a post is open to anyone, and is set in an open and public location, it needs to go in the correct community journal.

infodump, communities

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