If you have a plot that you would like to play out in-game, you need to run it past the admins first, by sending an e-mail to fandomhighadmins at iambicnut dot com containing the information requested in the
Plot Submission Form. We don't want to ruin anyone's fun, we just want to keep things at a manageable level. This also allows us to keep track of everything that's going on, and to make sure that your plot won't clash with another plot that you might not know about. Not everything that goes on in the game has to be run past us first, of course. The general rule of thumb is:
Plots that generally need approval:
- take a significant amount of time to play out
- affect or involve a significant number of people
- have a lasting effect on your character
Plots that DEFINITELY need approval:
Pregnancy/Children - Don't use pregnancy as a plot lightly. Babies are not disposable. If you do intend on having your character become pregnant/otherwise acquire a child, you are expected to carry through with it logically and correctly. Student characters will be sent home in their third trimester for their parents to deal with. There WILL be a baby and the character WILL be expected to keep and care for it if they remain in the game. BABIES ARE NOT DISPOSABLE. End caps lock. If you're going to have a kid brought onto the scene, your character will be expected to deal with it, including its effects on their social life. Please submit all pregnancy/child-related plots to the admins first. (Also, try to keep pregnancy scares to a minimum.)
Player-character death - No player-character deaths (even canon ones) are permitted without prior admin permission. Non-canon character death plot proposals will only rarely be accepted, as death has a huge effect on the other characters in the game and it's unfair to impose that kind of trauma on everyone on a regular basis, so please take that into consideration. We get a lot of character death requests. Don't take it personally if you're told no. When it happens, we want death to remain significant. If characters die too regularly and then come back to life, it lessens the impact.
Plots that generally don't need approval:
- only involve one or two people
- have no NPC characters coming in
- don't have a lasting effect
- don't last longer than a week
- minor off-island plottishness with NPCs from your fandom (visits home, phone calls, etc). You should run that past other players from your fandom though.
- anything involving normal pets (just make sure you clear it with your roommate first)
When in doubt, e-mail us at fandomhighadmins at iambicnut dot com, and we'll be sure to clear things up.