Something amazing happened yesterday that I would prefer not to talk about yet.
Then something amazing happened today that I never thought would happen in a million years.
Doesn't sound like much does it?
Well, flash back about 20 years. Pam and I are living in the upstairs of a two family house. A washer needs to be replaced in the bathroom sink. It's a simple job, so I decide to do it myself. I turn the water off, remove the tap. I notice there's a little burble of water coming up. I figure the water is not off all the way, so I reach under the sink....
... and turn the knob in the wrong direction...
... and the next thing I know, a geyser of water is shooting out of the sink and hitting the ceiling.
Of course, at that force, it's now impossible to turn off the water. Twenty seconds later, I'm running out of the house in a state of total panic, dressed only in a pair of gym shorts, yelling for help.
Fortunately, the landlady -- a little old Italian lady -- is outside talking to a neighbor. After she finishes laughing, she goes down into the cellar to turn off all the water in the house. This requires her to use an umbrella, since by this point the water is pouring into the cellar from two floors above.
I promised myself -- and Pam -- never to touch plumbing again for the rest of my life. And I kept that promise until today, when I weighed the cost of a washer against the cost of a plumber.
So I did it. And it worked.
I'm so proud.