1. First best friend boy: daniel (havent seen him in like 7 years)
2. First love: i dont i had any BUT ANDRIS O YA! lol eli jk
3. First real kiss: johnny
4. First screen name: leesto91
5. First pet: my fish goldie he lasted like 8 years lol
6. First car: i wish
1. Last cigarette: none
2. Last real kiss: like uh 3 months ago lol
3. Last good cry: like 1 week ago
4. Last beverage drank: water
5. Last food consumed: a potato
6. Last crush: wouldnt u like to know
7. Last phone call: rio
1. Who is your best friend: too many to count but uh LAIR LIVES ON?
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: i wish lol
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: many places
2. Favorite item of clothing: jeans
1. Do you do drugs: no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: head and shoulders lol dandruff yuck!
3. What are you most scared of: death
4. What would you change about yourself: face and hair
1. Colors: black yellow blue red and purple and orange and pink and basically everything!
2. Foods: grilled cheese!
3. Subject in school: english
4. Animals: dog or turtle or flamingo
5. Sports: soccer and uh raquetball and uh ya
6. Movie: billy madison
1. Given anyone a bath: my frends cuzin hoo i was babysitting and was 2...
2. Smoked: nope
3. Made yourself throw-up: ya i was in 3rd grade and i wanted to stay home from skool
4. Skinny dipped: doubt it
5. Been in love: no
1. Clothes: white long sleeved shirt with an orange tee shirt with the billabong logo over it and jeans
2. Music: none but me coughing
3. Make-up: eye liner, mascara, eyeshadow, and foundation
4. IMs: davey, #3 lol, maya, orelle
2. Hugged: rio
3. IMed: davey
4. Last person who slept at your house: hanna
5. Last person's house you slept at: uh rio
1. In the morning I am: sleeping
2. Love is: a theory
1. 7 years ago: i was in like kindergarten or 1st grade? at carpenter
2. 5 years ago: switched to wonderland
3. 3 years ago: became best frends with eli?
4. 1 hour ago: I was doing hw
5. Tomorrow: FRIDAY!
6. College: i dunno UC sumthing
comment if u read this.............