THIS JUST IN! Thanks to hundreds of calls and a full court press led by The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and LGBT organisations across America (except, notably, the HRC), the House committee has postponed their vote on ENDA for at least another two weeks!! This buys us a lot of valuable time to organise - so gather your friends, and make calls and send emails to your representatives!
For those of you in NYC, there will be a phone bank next Thursday night, 11 October, from 6:30 to 9:00 at the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. They'll be calling their friends, family, and other folks to encourage them to make sure that a Trans-inclusive ENDA is passed. Please join us to make calls and ensure that the ENTIRE LGBT community is granted equal employment rights, and that we don't allow anyone to divide us!
The Task Force is located at 80 Maiden Lane, Suite 1504. Take any train to Broadway/Nassau/Fulton St, the 2/3 to Wall St, or the J/M/Z to Broad St.
Harper Keenan: hbkeenan AT gmail DOT com
Becca Ahuja: 646-358-1475 or rahuja AT thetaskforce DOT org
Contact your representative today by calling the US Capitol Switchboard at 1202 224 3121 and asking to be connected to your representative's office.
You can say:
"Please tell the representative that I oppose any version of ENDA that does not include both sexual orientation and gender identity. Studies and surveys consistently show that between one-third and one-half of all LGBT respondents have suffered employment-related discrimination. Transgender people, in particular, desperately need the protections ENDA would provide. Congress should pass the original version of ENDA that includes both gender identity and sexual orientation."
or, email them!