
Feb 19, 2006 23:19

It strikes me that I've been up to a few things lately. So I thought I'd keep people informed.

1. Work experience with some local solicitors. Obtained by the simple expedient of writing letters to every firm in the area until one said yes. Quite an effective tactic, it seems. I learned a lot about putting law into practice, and I was able to do a lot of hands-on work. (They didn't exactly lose out either, because I brought with me my student access to every online law resource you could want.) I also attended a divorce hearing, which went rather interestingly since the husband, who was represented by a very able barrister, managed to get away with a profit on the marriage - the amount he had to pay was less than the dowry he'd received for marrying in the first place.
They seemed (seemed, mind you) genuinely sorry to lose me at the end, but I need my free days back again now things are stepping up at BPP.

2. Work experience at a set of barristers' chambers in London. Obtained by a different simple expedient, mentioned in a previous post. Equally interesting, in different ways. I spent four days attending a rather tragic court case. Absorbing, but depressing, since the claimant looks set, after three years, to lose everything through, essentially, his own refusal to behave reasonably. It's probably not sensible to give more details with the case ongoing, but it was all fascinating. On the last day, I got to analyse a case myself, and also had an excellent two-hour lunch, chat and tour of Gray's Inn with a rather brilliant QC (who shall remain nameless). I now have to have a serious look at my options.

3. Coursework. Went about as well as could be expected.

4. Another interview, for a different firm this time. I definitely feel that I'm getting better - I'm learning some answers to the standard questions, and I'm getting more confident in my general responses. Crucially, I'm also learning control - I now realise that bouncing at them for ten minutes on the subject of Cicero shows enthusiasm but no actual legal skills.

5. Popped up to Oxford to say hello to everyone. Good food, good company, and good fun, as might be expected. Playing Articulate until 5 am is not something to be sneezed at. I'll also be coming up for Iolanthe, of course, which gives me something else to look forward to.

6. Played a lot of poker. It took me three hours to lose 1p.

7. Currently attempting to assess the wisdom of visiting St. Petersburg in the winter. The guidebook says "bring a hat and scarf", which I'd say is a bit of a cavalier attitude to adopt towards a temperature of -15°C. If anyone's been there, I'd welcome input on the subject.

Also - the Government has banned smoking in various public places, but decided that it has to outweigh this good deed with a raft of unpleasant legislation that also passed this week. Meanwhile the Tories, in some kind of fantasy world where the idea didn't represent a minor form of treason, sent a deputation across the Atlantic to grovel at the feet of Bush's chief spin doctor.

This was all so thoroughly depressing that I briefly considered actually getting involved in politics so I could try and get the chance to legitimately shout at someone about it.
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