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The Tsar's Abolitionists: The Slave Trade in the Caucasus and Its Suppression
Liubov Kurtynova-D'Herlugnan
Eurasian Studies Library: Historical, Political and Social Studies of Slavic and Islamic Cultures in the Eurasian Region, Vol. 2
Table of contents :
Chapter One. The Caucasus: Geography and People
Peoples and Languages
Religions of the Caucasian Region
1. Christianity
2. Islam
Social Structures and Patterns of Power
1. Vertical power structures
Some Conclusions
Why Was Slave Trade So Important For the Caucasian Societies?
Some Conclusions
Chapter Two. Christians in Heterodox Captivity: The Historical Roots of Russian Abolitionismin the Caucasus
The Case of an Invisible Slave Trade
Some Conclusions
The Two Abolitionisms: The European and American Enterprise and Their Distant Cousin from Russia
Some Conclusions
Historical Myth and Mythical History: Muscovy and the Caucasus Before the 18th Century
Some Conclusions
The Beginning: The First Attempts to Ban Slave Trade
Some Conclusions
Chapter Three. The Southern Caucasus
Some Conclusions
A Case of Success: Vorontsov in the Southern Caucasus
Some Conclusions
Chapter four. The Northern Caucasus
Some conclusions
A Case of Failure: Vorontsov in the Northern Caucasus
Some Conclusions
The Northern Caucasus after the Crimean War
Some Conclusions
Conclusion. Explaining an Unlikely Abolitionism
См. также
https://fuchik2.livejournal.com/389695.html и
https://fuchik2.livejournal.com/389989.html Содержание