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Killer whale named White Gladis who 'started the trend' of animals ramming boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal 'was pregnant when she began the orca uprising'
Killer whales have terrorized boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal for years
The instigator, White Gladis, is believed to have been pregnant when it began
She has now been spotted risking her calf's safety by taking it on boat rampages
PUBLISHED: 14:53 BST, 29 June 2023 | UPDATED: 16:11 BST, 29 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12246987/Killer-whale-named-White-Gladis-started-trend-animals-ramming-boats-pregnant.html Remnants of an 'ALIEN SPACECRAFT' may have been found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean - by Harvard physicist who believes Oumuamua was an ET craft that passed by Earth in 2017
Possible alien probe, 'IM1' meteor was stronger, faster than any in NASA catalog
Scientists recovered 50 'perfectly round' tiny iron spheres at the site of impact
READ MORE: Avi Loeb believes aliens will make first contact with AI - not humans
UPDATED: 23:11 BST, 28 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12243125/Harvards-Avi-Loeb-says-50-microscopic-spherules-recovered-Pacific-alien-probe.html Конгресс США озаботился поиском инопланетян
28 июня 2023 05:00
Сотрудники Пентагона представили в Конгрессе сведения о тайных программах сбора данных об инопланетянах, заявил один из руководителей комитета Сената по разведке Марко Рубио пишет The Hill.
По его словам, Пентагон уже давно изучает места крушения НЛО и пытается вести «реверс-инжиниринг» инопланетных технологий. Он добавил, что владеющие этой информацией сотрудники федеральных агентств боятся говорить правду, опасаясь последствий для самих себя и членов их семей, уточняет Daily Mail.
Месяц назад бывший офицер военно-космической разведки США рассказал о том, что американские спецслужбы якобы знали о существовании инопланетян ещё со времён Второй мировой войны, когда они получили космический корабль пришельцев, находившийся в руках лидера итальянских фашистов Бенито Муссолини.
Американские СМИ пишут, что сейчас принимается билль, который запретит правительству США вести любые тайные программы изучения инопланетных технологий и обяжет всех имеющих к этому отношение сообщить о своей работе Конгрессу.
В настоящее время спецслужбы США отказываются делиться информацией об инопланетянах с законодателями. Конгресс намерен подвергнуть это огласке для более широкого изучения любых внеземных технологий, если они в принципе существуют. Поддерживают эту идею обе американские партии - демократы и республиканцы.
https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2023/06/28/kongress-ssha-ozabotilsya-poiskom-inoplanetyan What is that?! Video of spinning lights in the Ohio sky has multiple people claiming they saw a rotating UFO ship
Mysterious rotating green lights have reportedly been seen in the night sky above Middletown, Ohio
Witnesses described the sighting as 'scary' and 'like something I'd never seen before'
PUBLISHED: 04:11 BST, 23 June 2023 | UPDATED: 07:56 BST, 23 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12225311/Spinning-lights-Ohio-sky-multiple-people-saying-saw-rotating-UFO-ship.html Made you look! Crazy real life optical illusions that will leave you scratching your head
These images taken from around the world will leave you feeling very confused
READ MORE: Bizarre optical illusions will make you do a double take
PUBLISHED: 13:38 BST, 24 June 2023 | UPDATED: 13:46 BST, 24 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12214753/Made-look-Crazy-real-life-optical-illusions-leave-scratching-head.html WHO IS the Cumbrian Peacock Poisoner? They scratch cars and keep locals awake having raucous nookie! Now, some are taking lethal revenge on the growing flock - while others are determined to expose fowl play...
The town of Maryport, Cumbria, has been besieged by a flock of peacocks
Now, locals are taking action into their own hands to stop the 30-strong mob
PUBLISHED: 01:13 BST, 24 June 2023 | UPDATED: 02:07 BST, 24 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12228817/Peacocks-Maryport-Locals-taking-lethal-revenge-growing-flock-scratch-cars.html Terrifying moment alligator charges at fisherman on the edge of a pond in South Carolina
The video was captured by tourist Micah Kimberlin on Tuesday night when he was visiting the Shipyard on Hilton Head Island with his family
The man is seen standing on the grassy edge of the pond when the gator suddenly emerges
The man runs to safety before the gator re-enters the pond
PUBLISHED: 23:19 BST, 23 June 2023 | UPDATED: 02:51 BST, 24 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12228305/Terrifying-moment-alligator-charges-fisherman-edge-pond-South-Carolina.html Pilot somehow keeps his cool after enormous bird smashes through windscreen into his cockpit covering him in blood in Ecuador
Video shows badly wounded bird dangling above squadron leader Ariel Valiente
The rest of the exercise went to plan but bird is said to have died within minutes
PUBLISHED: 09:37 BST, 15 June 2023 | UPDATED: 13:28 BST, 15 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12197633/Pilot-keeps-cool-enormous-bird-smashes-cockpit-covering-blood-Ecuador.html Mythical 'bloodsucking' Chupacabra is spotted running through a Bolivian field after killing up to 75 chickens, ducks and turkeys in a 25-mile radius in Guatemala
The mythical beast known as the Chupacabra allegedly made an appearance in western Bolivia this month and was tracked by a drone before disappearing
The two-legged creature is said to have been behind the killings of llamas, alpacas and goats that were on a farm in the Bolivian city of Ouro
The animal reportedly is responsible for killing a flock of ducks, turkeys and chickens at a property in the Guatemala city of Chimaltenango Sunday
PUBLISHED: 19:25 BST, 14 June 2023 | UPDATED: 22:42 BST, 14 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12194919/Bloodsucking-mythical-creature-Chupacabra-feared-struck-feasting-fowl-cattle.html Is this the moment an alien photobombed the Red Arrows? Airshow audience are shocked to spot '1,000mph' UFO in middle of ace pilots' flying formation
Spectators at Torbay Airshow spot UFO said to be travelling at '1,000mph' through Red Arrows formation
UFO investigator John Mooner believes the black object was caused by 'non-human intelligence'
PUBLISHED: 13:05 BST, 9 June 2023 | UPDATED: 14:09 BST, 9 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12177477/Torbay-airshow-audience-shocked-spot-1-000mph-UFO-middle-Red-Arrows-flying-formation.html Military whistleblower says US has recovered 'dead pilots' from craft of 'non-human origin' - and that world powers are involved in an 'arms-race' to reverse engineer crashed UFOs
David Charles Grusch made the claims in a series of interviews this week
The former intelligence officer filed a whistleblower complaint in Congress
Says US has recovered numerous craft and dead pilots of 'non-human origin'
PUBLISHED: 17:42 BST, 6 June 2023 | UPDATED: 18:06 BST, 6 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12165669/Military-whistleblower-says-recovered-dead-pilots-craft-non-human-origin.html https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2023/04/19/1119858105866171991/640x360_MP4_1119858105866171991.mp4 Six revelations from NASA's public panel on UFOs: Strange metallic orbs are being spotted 'all over the world,' and an unidentified craft is being detected every WEEK
NASA advisor wants our solar system 'searched for artifacts' of alien civilizations
Former NASA official calls for 'a permanent office within NASA' to study UAP
READ MORE: Dramatic footage shows black 'half-football-field-sized' triangular UFO hovering over California military base for 10 minutes before vanishing
UPDATED: 19:53 BST, 1 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12148703/Five-revelations-NASAs-public-meeting.html UFOs: Five revelations from Nasa's public meeting
01 june 2023
A Nasa panel investigating unidentified flying objects has collected around 800 mysterious reports - but only a small fraction are truly unexplained, researchers say.
The agency set up the panel last year to explain its work on what it calls unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).
UAP are defined as sightings "that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena from a scientific perspective".
The panel, which will issue a report later this year, held its first public meeting on Wednesday.
Here are some of the revelatory moments.
Many sightings can be explained - others remain a mystery
"We have 50 to 100-ish new reports each month," said Sean Kirkpatrick, director of Nasa's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
But he said the number of those sightings which are "possibly really anomalous" are 2% to 5% of the total database.
At one point during the hearing, a video taken by a naval aircraft over the western US showed a series of dots moving across the night sky. The military plane was unable to intercept the object, which turned out to be a commercial aircraft heading towards a major airport.
Other sightings are more mysterious.
A separate Pentagon report in 2021 said that of 144 sightings by military pilots made since 2004, all but one remained unexplained. Officials did not rule out the possibility that the objects are extra-terrestrial.
Privacy limits Nasa investigations
Mr Kirkpatrick also noted that privacy concerns limit the agency's investigations.
"We can point the largest collection apparatus in the entire globe at any point we want," he said.
"A lot of what we have is around the continental United States," he added. "Most people...don't like it when we point our entire collection apparatus at your backyard."
Media caption,
Watch: A potential UFO was actually a Bart Simpson balloon
Microwaves and optical illusions
UAP-related data is often difficult to interpret and can be easily skewed.
David Spergel, chair of Nasa's UAP team, mentioned a burst of radio waves picked up by researchers in Australia.
"They had really strange structure. People couldn't figure out what was going on. Then they start to notice a lot of them bunched together around lunch time," he said.
It turned out that the sensitive instruments used by researchers were picking up signals from a microwave used to heat up their lunches.
Scott Kelly, a former astronaut and pilot with decades of experience, told a story about an optical illusion.
He and his co-pilot were flying near Virginia Beach and his colleague "was convinced we flew by a UFO".
"I didn't see it. We turned around, we went to look at it, it turns out it was Bart Simpson - a balloon."
Stigma and harassment hamper research
Commercial pilots are very reluctant to report sightings, Mr Spergel said, because of the stigma surrounding flying saucers.
"One of our goals is to remove the stigma," he said, "because there is a need for high quality data to address important questions about UAPs."
And some scientists have faced harassment online for their work in the area.
"Harassment only leads to further stigmatisation of the UAP field, significantly hindering the scientific process and discouraging others to study this important subject matter," said Nasa science chief Nicola Fox.
New era of transparency
One of the reasons Wednesday's meeting is so noteworthy is Nasa's change of approach. The space agency spent decades debunking UFO sightings.
At the end of the hearing the panel took questions from the public. One was "What is Nasa hiding?"
Nasa's Dan Evans replied that the agency is committed to transparency. "That is why we are here live on TV today," he said.
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UFO report: Do Americans believe something's out there?
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65729356 UFO reports by US troops skyrocket to over 500
13 January
An image of a UAP shown to US lawmakers, which looks like a green triangle against a black skyImage source, NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND
Image caption,
An image of a UAP, seen through night vision goggles, shown to US lawmakers
A new de-classified US government report on UFO sightings by US troops has revealed hundreds of new cases.
The US National Intelligence office is now aware of 510 reported sightings, an increase over the 144 compiled in the spy agency's first 2021 assessment.
Nearly half of the new sightings were deemed "unremarkable" and attributed to human origins, according to the report.
However, more than 100 of the encounters remain unexplained.
The report says that encounters with UFOs - which the government calls Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) - continue "to occur in restricted or sensitive airspace, highlighting possible concerns for safety" and national security.
Of the 366 new reports, 26 were determined to be drones, 163 were balloons and six aerial objects were attributed to clutter.
The report was issued in part to help "destigmatise" experiences with UFOs and improve air safety.
UFOs: 'These objects show physics we don't understand'
And it says increased reports of encounters are indeed the result of "a concentrated effort to destigmatise the topic of UAP and instead recognise the potential risks that it poses as both a safety of flight hazard and potential adversarial activity", the report states.
It goes on to say that 171 sightings still remain "uncharacterised and unattributed" - meaning, not enough information was collected to effectively identify them.
"Some of these uncharacterised UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis," the report says.
None of the reports have been linked to any extra-terrestrial activity.
The reports are being examined by the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), an office in the Pentagon created last year to review UAP incidents.
The AARO will focus on receiving and analysing incidents with unidentified phenomena and work with intelligence agencies to further assess those incidents, according to the new declassified document.
Last month, the Pentagon's Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security told media: "We have not seen anything that would lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin."
"I have not seen anything in those holdings to date that would suggest that there has been an alien visitation, an alien crash, or anything like that," added Ronald Moultrie.
But the effort continues to identify whether the remaining UFOs have earthly origins.
"In the absence of being able to resolve what something is, we assume that it may be hostile," he said. "And so, we have to take that seriously."
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64252340 UFOs: Few answers at rare US Congressional hearing
17 May 2022
An image of a UAP shown to US lawmakers, which looks like a green triangle against a black skyImage source, NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND
Image caption,
An image of a UAP, seen through night vision goggles, shown to US lawmakers
The first public congressional hearing into UFO sightings in the US in over 50 years ended with few answers about the unexplained phenomenon.
Two top military officials tasked with probing the sightings said that most can ultimately be identified.
But they said a number of events have defied all attempts at explanation.
The sightings recorded by the military include 11 "near-misses" with US aircraft.
Some Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) - as the military terms UFOs - seem to have been moving without any discernible means of propulsion.
What happened at the hearing?
During the hearing at the House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee, top Pentagon intelligence official Ronald Moultrie said that through "rigorous" analysis, most - but not all - UAPs can be identified.
"Any object we encounter can likely be isolated, characterised, identified and, if necessary, mitigated," Mr Moultrie said.
A small number of incidents, however, still have no explanation. In one such incident in 2004, fighter pilots operating from an aircraft carrier in the Pacific encountered an object that seemed to have descended tens of thousands of feet before stopping and hovering.
In another incident, shown publicly for the first time on Tuesday, an object can be seen on camera flying past a US Navy fighter jet. The object remains unexplained.
"There are a small handful [of events] in which there are flight characteristics or signature management that we can't explain with the data we have available," said Scott Bray, the deputy director of naval intelligence. "Those are obviously the ones that are of most interest to us."
Mr Bray also sought to dispel the notion that UAPs might be extraterrestrial aliens, noting that no organic or inorganic material or unexplainable wreckage has ever been recovered, and no attempts have been made at communicating with the objects.
"We have detected no eliminations within the UAP task force that...would suggest it's anything non-terrestrial in origin," he said.
A national security threat?
Lawmakers at the hearing expressed concern that any unexplained aerial phenomenon might be a threat to national security.
Rick Crawford, an Arkansas Republican, said that a failure to identify potential threats was "tantamount to intelligence failure that we certainly want to avoid".
"It's not about finding alien spacecraft," he added.
In the cases of objects with unexplainable propulsion, Mr Bray said that the US is "not aware" of any potential adversaries with such technologies.
Following the public hearing, the committee closed its doors for a private classified session with lawmakers.
US Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray explains a video of an unidentified aerial phenomenaImage source, Getty Images
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US Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray shows a video of a UAP
How did we get here?
Public fascination with flying saucers, glowing lights and otherworldly aircrafts has been ongoing for generations.
The last public hearings into the issue began in 1966, when Republican congressman - and future president - Gerald Ford convened a pair of hearings to discuss a UFO sightings following one in Michigan that was observed by over 40 people, including a dozen policemen.
The Air Force officials attributed the incident to "swamp gas", leading Ford to deride their description as "flippant" .
In 1969, an Air Force investigation into UFOs called Project Blue Book closed after determining that no flying object had ever been confirmed or deemed a threat to US national security.
Blast forward to 2017, when US media reported on the Pentagon's secretive efforts to probe testimony from pilots and other US military members who had reported seeing strange objects in the sky.
The reports included footage of the UFOs, and descriptions of how they seemed to fly in unexpected ways, including hovering in place during high winds and changing elevation rapidly.
Pilots described seeing them on an almost "daily basis" outside military bases, and one whistleblower described how UAPs had interfered with US nuclear weapons facilities, even forcing some offline.
In 2020, a Covid relief bill signed by Donald Trump included a provision requiring US intelligence agencies to deliver an unclassified report on UAPs within 180 days.
In June 2021, the US Director of National Intelligence released a report saying it had no explanation for dozens of unidentified flying objects related to 144 incidents dating back to 2004. Only one could be easily explained as a deflating balloon, while the others were labelled "largely inconclusive".
"Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects," the report stated, adding that 80 of them were detected on multiple advanced military sensors and radar systems.
Media caption,
Former US fighter pilot Alex Dietrich explains her strange encounter with a UAP
The June 2021 report failed to reach any conclusive answers in regards to what the objects are, or how they function. It called for expanded investigation and better data collection, given the stigma government workers may have against their describing unexplained encounters.
Here's what we know about the US report on UFOs
Last December, Democrats succeeded in including a stronger disclosure requirement in the annual National Defense Authorization Act signed by Joe Biden.
The law requires the military to establish a permanent office on UAP research - now called the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61474201 1 июня 2023, 00:36 Технологии Наука
Профессор Стэнфорда Нолан заявил о присутствии инопланетян на Земле
Ученый считает, что люди встречают их, но не все понимают это
Профессор Стэнфордского университета Гарри Нолан считает, что инопланетяне не только посещали Землю и все еще остаются здесь. По мнению ученого, вероятность того, что пришельцы бывали на нашей планете, «составляет сто процентов», он предположил, что люди встречали их раньше, но, подобно южноамериканским племенам, впервые увидевшим испанские корабли, не заметили в этом ничего необычного. Об этом профессор заявил на недавней тематической конференции в Нью-Йорке. Его цитирует РИА Новости.
Читайте также:
У Пентагона нет доказательств посещения Земли инопланетянами в последнее время
«Они появляются и говорят: «Кто из вас достаточно умен, чтобы понять, на что вы смотрите? Сможете ли вы увидеть то, что находится перед вами, в его истинной форме? Видите ли вы аномальные скачки данных?» - пояснил ученый.
По словам Нолана, он присутствовал на слушаниях по внеземной жизни в Конгрессе США. Кроме того, на конференции он рассказал о существовании людей, занимающихся «программами обратного проектирования сбитых летательных аппаратов». По его мнению, даже небольшой кусочек знаний, полученный в результате этих исследований, может привести к настоящей технической революции.
Ранее ЦРУ привлекало Нолана для расследования «гаванского синдрома» и анализа «материалов, предположительно, оставленных НЛО». Его комментарии прозвучали на фоне возродившегося в США интереса к поиску внеземной жизни. Так, группа ученых из Калифорнийского университета выдвинула гипотезу, что пришельцы могут «вступить в контакт» с Землей уже в 2029 году.
https://www.bfm.ru/news/526535 NASA holds historic UFO hearing: Agency unveils first findings from study into unidentified craft in our skies AND oceans - as Pentagon chief FINALLY admits 'metallic orbs' have been seen 'all over the world'
Pentagon reveals expert 'NASA embeds' now cleared for classified UFO briefings
NASA astrobiologist recommends search for alien 'artifacts' in our solar system
FAA official asks NASA to help reduce 'stigma' for scientists studying UAP data
READ MORE: Aliens could contact Earth using cell phone towers, experts claim
UPDATED: 20:50 BST, 31 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12144193/NASAs-UFO-task-force-livestream-historic-public-meeting-TODAY-Watch-here.html UFOs are spotted flying on dark side of the Moon in video recorded in broad daylight - but not all viewers are convinced
Two white objects can apparently be seen floating over the moon in a TikTok clip
But some users said the poster described himself as a 'computer graphics artist'
PUBLISHED: 10:41 BST, 20 May 2023 | UPDATED: 11:12 BST, 20 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12105525/UFOs-spotted-flying-dark-Moon-video-recorded-broad-daylight.html At least two white objects can apparently be seen floating over the moon in footage posted to TikTok last week
Look up! Star 150 TRILLION miles from Earth will shine as a spectacular blue dot in the night sky all this month - and here is how YOU can see it
Vega is the fifth brightest star in our sky and can be seen all of May
The 450-million-year-old star is typically visible every summer
READ MORE: Mysterious blue swirl lights up the night sky over Alaska
PUBLISHED: 16:41 BST, 15 May 2023 | UPDATED: 16:43 BST, 15 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12085757/Star-150-TRILLION-miles-Earth-shines-blue-dot-night-sky-May.html The best aerial shots of New York... ever: Photographer captures breathtaking images of the Big Apple from three miles up in an open-door helicopter
The photos capture the lives of millions of people in single frames - in uniquely breathtaking fashion
They were taken by photographer Paul Seibert, who pushed his creativity to new heights to produce them
READ MORE: Inside the world’s most dangerous countries with a VERY brave American YouTuber
PUBLISHED: 13:31 BST, 13 May 2023 | UPDATED: 13:35 BST, 13 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-12068879/The-best-aerial-shots-New-York-Breathtaking-images-Big-Apple-15-000ft-up.html A very glamorous step back in time: Stunning photos capture Hollywood's biggest stars during the swinging sixties - from Audrey Hepburn lounging in a pool and playing cricket to Brigitte Bardot relaxing with a cigarette
Famed photographer Terry O'Neill died in 2019 at his home in London from prostate cancer aged 81
Now, 110 of his works will be displayed at the Fotografiska gallery in New York from June 2 to September 16
Curator Johan Vikner says O'Neill had an 'extraordinary ability to capture fame from the frontlines'
PUBLISHED: 12:18 BST, 13 May 2023 | UPDATED: 12:18 BST, 13 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12068313/New-exhibit-late-photographer-Terry-ONeill-celebrates-50-years-celebrity.html Black bear stuns bakery employees by helping itself to a box of 60 cupcakes and ambling off to the parking lot to eat them
Video captured a bear entering a Connecticut bakery and eating 60 cupcakes
The incident happened at Taste By Spellbound in Avon, Connecticut
PUBLISHED: 20:44 BST, 28 May 2023 | UPDATED: 21:22 BST, 28 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12133967/Black-bear-stuns-Connecticut-bakery-employees-helps-box-60-cupcakes.html EXCLUSIVE: America's 'working homeless' who live in RV encampments lining streets across the nation: Small business owners, prison guards and Amazon workers among people opting to live off the grid - but locals say they're a blight on their communities
Amid affordable housing shortages, the number of homeless people in the US continues to climb
Many have taken to living in RVs, largely off the grid, in cities from California to New England
Most cite the affordability and flexibility as their reasons for choosing live in their vehicles - but residents and businesses say the RVs are unsightly and leave mountains of trash
PUBLISHED: 18:46 BST, 28 May 2023 | UPDATED: 18:51 BST, 28 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12120599/Inside-Americas-growing-RV-encampments-New-York-City-Sacramento.html EXCLUSIVE: Former Navy SEAL Rep. Ryan Zinke says the Biden administration is creating a 'national security issue' by prioritizing 'woke' drag queen shows, climate change and 'fascist' mandates over being ready for military action
The Pentagon's number one priority is climate change, according to former Navy SEAL commander Rep. Ryan Zinke, which he says hurts the overall readiness of the Navy
Zinke called the Pentagon's former COVID-19 vaccine mandate 'near to fascism'
Under Biden's leadership, the military looks foolish on the world stage, he says
PUBLISHED: 12:28 BST, 28 May 2023 | UPDATED: 13:33 BST, 28 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12124819/Former-Navy-SEAL-Rep-Zinke-rips-Pentagon-promoting-woke-drag-queen-shows.html The shocking moment F2 star Victor Martins came within INCHES of taking out a marshal in Monaco after ignoring double yellow flags... as spectator and staff safety debate continues after multiple near misses in recent weeks
A marshal was on track to help deal with a crash and was almost wiped out
Martins received a drive through penalty for the incident during the race
Esteban Ocon and Lando Norris have also been involved in near misses of late
PUBLISHED: 11:51 BST, 28 May 2023 | UPDATED: 15:10 BST, 28 May 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/formulaone/article-12133221/The-shocking-moment-F2-star-Victor-Martins-came-INCHES-taking-marshal-Monaco.html Once in a 101-year sighting! Rare wolverine is spotted on California ski slope: Bear-like animal related to otters was previously thought to be EXTINCT in state
A wolverine was spotted at Mammoth Mountain in California by a skier in May
The sighting is only the second of its kind in 101 years since 'going extinct'
The animals were believed to be the creatures that ransacked the Donner Party
PUBLISHED: 22:16 BST, 1 June 2023 | UPDATED: 22:27 BST, 1 June 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12149783/Wolverine-spotted-California-second-time-believed-extinct-1922.html What the buck! Bizarre moment GOAT is left swinging after getting its horns snagged on a power line in Russia
Thankfully the dangling goat was later rescued and lowered to the ground
PUBLISHED: 08:46 BST, 12 August 2023 | UPDATED: 10:20 BST, 12 August 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12399625/What-buck-Bizarre-moment-GOAT-left-swinging-getting-horns-snagged-power-line-Russia.html Is THIS the best Bigfoot sighting ever? Photos 'of mythical creature' send fans wild
Josh Highcliffe, a hunter, captured the footage 'of Bigfoot' in 2015 in Mississippi
READ MORE: America's most prolific Bigfoot hunter Claudia Ackley, 51, who filmed mythical beast 'chasing her daughters' and documented hundreds of 'sightings' is found dead at home in a chair
PUBLISHED: 09:33 BST, 19 August 2023 | UPDATED: 10:41 BST, 19 August 2023
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12414831/Is-best-Bigfoot-sighting-Photos-mythical-creature-send-fans-wild.html Содержание