May 16, 2005 18:17
Since I couldn't comment on his journal, this post is deviating from my usual format so I can ask Jordan Paul a few questions...
Are you still mad at me for some reason?
Are you still paying rent?
Are you planning on comming back?
If you are still mad at me you should have really gotten over it by now.
May 14, 2005 01:54
Thumbs Up:
Arizona Body Art
Stacey H.
Seeing Greta for the first time in months
A piercing experience that was only mildly excruciating
Boozapalooza 3
Thumbs Down:
Lots and lots of blood
JPD airing our apparently dirty laundry on the eljay
7:2 I'd better go smooth things over with Jordan
Apr 30, 2005 09:25
Thumbs Up:
Thumbs Down:
The fucking cunt at Cosmos not scheduling me for a haircut and a chemical relaxer for the second time miserable stupid bitch
Failing to see a cop and stop at a stop sign
not stoping at stop signs costing 152 dollars
0:3 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck