Aug 16, 2005 00:15
If less really was more, I'd be fucking rich. Fuck court, fuck tickets, fuck money. Fuck all that, because I fucking said so. The only things worth the time are the ones you can't buy anyway.
Aug 12, 2005 17:25
I have the marks to prove it, I feel like a fucking amputee. Somethings aren't worth getting over. Everyday is a fucking adventure.
Aug 08, 2005 23:50
When I left the table all I could taste was blood, sugar, and alcohol. Just keep looking straight ahead.
Aug 07, 2005 18:54
Sometimes this place gets kind of empty. It's almost too quiet.
Aug 05, 2005 21:44
It takes years to lead a life, but only a few moments to alter it's course completely. There is a piece of me that wants to come unglued and lose control, but the rest of me is yearning to put certain things behind me. What the fuck.
Aug 05, 2005 16:30
As of today I'm out of jail until august 18th. Whether or not I go back is still in question. If you want to hear from me comment and let me know how I should go about doing that.
Jul 26, 2005 11:51
I think I need a break and the luxury of some rest. I also think I need to stop trying to swim in shallow water. Yea, the well is definetly running dry.
Jul 24, 2005 18:48
If life is a highway then I just got cut off. Fuck dead beat dads.