Ptooie...rodentruskelFebruary 2 2006, 23:32:41 UTC
"kashfia" is a cool name...A friend of mine once dated someone named kashfia, I must have been a disaster..cuz he's pretty unwilling to actually describe what happened...and OMG, I love hoodies too....too bad bd's weather is usually uber-crisp (almost as crisp as freshly baked cinnamon role, whatever they are that is) and I can't risk wearing those anytime other than a cold/numb winter morning.
BTW, why is that getting married before death descends so important?I mean remaining a sophomoric "OKRITODAR(aka Unmarried)" can be pretty cool if you play by the rules.
Re: Ptooie...fuck_theworldFebruary 3 2006, 14:39:25 UTC
it took me like, 20 mins just to say that "orikator" or whatever word...omfg. and besides, i dont wanna live alone for the rest of my life! and i DO want someone to make me feel special on my birthdays! lol.
Comments 8
BTW, why is that getting married before death descends so important?I mean remaining a sophomoric "OKRITODAR(aka Unmarried)" can be pretty cool if you play by the rules.
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