[x]first best friend: i think this fat girl annabelle.
[x]first break-up: havent really had an official boyfriend.
[x]first screen name: i think it was turk5149 but i cant reallly remember.
[x]first funeral: my one and only, my great grandfathers
[x]first pet: a hamster named Babe. i had about 5 hamsters named babe. they all kept dying. i dont know why.
[x]first piercings/tatoos: my ears at like 7 or something.
[x]first true love: havent had one.
[x]last cigarette: last night
[x]last kiss: like 2 weeks or something.
[x]last good cry: havent had one in a while.
[x]last beverage drank: orange peach mango juice
[x]last food consumed: upper crust pizza. honestly its amazing.
[x]last phone call: real phone call, juliet
[x]last time showered: thursday night.
[x]last time wanting to die: a few months. im no goth anymore.
[x]what color socks are you wearing? grey with blue polka dots
[x]what color of underwear are you wearing? pink
[x]whats under your bed? nothing. my beds on the floor. so i cant hide stuff under it. :(
[x]what time did you wake up today? 11 at mayazzzz.
[x]current mood: content
[x]current music: the microphones
[x]current hair: i dont know. tied back.
____YOUR LIFE____
[x] they call me: sarah, sarah brown, sb
[x] also: see above
[x] sex: Female
[x] my first breath of air: may 14, 1990. im a baby.
[x] age: 14
[x] status: single BAYBAY.
[x] occupation: well i actually do have a job. i file shit and get 10 dollaz an hour for doing it too.
[x] first word uttered: duck
[x] first bestfriend ever?: annabelle. I TOLDYOU THIS ALREADY.
[x] college planning to go: prolly art skool i dont know.
[x] future resident of: who knows. tokyo, seattle, berlin, amsterdam, london are all places that tickle my fancy. well i at least want to visit them.
[x] wedding: i dont facking know.
[x]children: a lot of em. im totally gonna be a bleached out fake tan old woman waiting in the welfare line with ten kids trailing behind me. just WATCH.
[x] looking forward to: being happy.
[x] NOT looking forward to: trying to make money and still be happy.
[x] feeling: pretty content still. my back kinda hurts from bending over teh computer.
[x] Listening: the microphones
[x] doing: taking this survey, talking to senan on aim
[x] craving: FOOD.
[x] thinking of: penis, COS OF RACHEL.
[x] hating: um nothing relaly right now .just the fact that we dont have food at my house.
[x] love is: iono
[x] first love: you
[x] current love: no one
[x] love or lust?: can i have both?
[x] true or false - true haha i think i just deleted the question oops. oh true or false- all you need is love? i frankley wouldnt know. but proolly true.
[x] is there such thing as love at first sight?: no
[x] dog or cat: kittys. i dont usually like dogs, except for mayas dog.
[x] short or long hair: long
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] moon or sun: moon
[x] basketball or football: basketball
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: ohh theyre both so good.
[x] mcdonalds or burger king: why the fuck did you mention food. you fucking fucks. i want mcdonalds. even though its gross and make me feel like im going to throw up.
[x] summer or winter: usually i like them both. but right now. im so fucking sick of winter and want summer. so SUMMER.
[x] written letters or e-mails: written letters. SO MUCH BETTER>
[x] disney or nickelodeon: ew.
[x] car or motorcycle: i want a motorcycle.
[x] house party or club: depends.
[x] sing or dance: DANCE DANCE.
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google. ask jeeves never gets me what i want.
[x] can you swim?: yes
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: in second grade, we were doing sit ups. and i farted really loud. and my teacher said, "no sound effects please."
[x] what are you scared of?: loneliness, boredom, time
[x] whats ur greatest accomplishment: i dont think i have one.
[x] how many TVs in the house?: 3
[x] how many phones?: 4. we live on one floor and we have 4 phones its kinda ridiculous.
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: not that many. but the ones i do have are good. probly like 20.
[x]What size of bed do you have?: queen
[x]Is your floor carpeted?: no but there is a carpet.
[x]If so, what color is it?: red, blue and green
[x]Do you have posters on your walls? yes. tehre are3 nirvana posters, one the shining poster.
[x]Do you keep your room clean, or is there junk all over the floor?: sometimes clean, sometimes junk all over the floor.
[x]Are you allowed to eat in your room?: yes
___HYGENE ___
[x]How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: twice or more
[x]Do you take a shower daily?: sometimes
[x]Do you wear purfume/cologne?: sometimes if i remember
[x]Do you wear deodorant?: yes. im all about the teen spirit. seriously.
[x]Do you go outside often?: yes
[x]Is your lawn green or brown?: right now its probably brown.
[x]Do you have a patio in the back?: I WANT A PATIO.
[x]Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage: we dont have a garage.
[x]How many trees are in your backyard?: i dont even know if there are any trees in my backyard.
[x]Are you male or female?: female
[x]Are you sure?: no
[x]Do you have any piercings?: yeah 4 or something.
[x]Are you single or married?: single
[x]Do you like your name?: yeah its tight.
[x]Do you shave your legs?: yes, not as often as i should though.
___MISC. ___
[x]Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: hahahhahahahhahahahhahhah. thats so hilarious. ITS DEF BLUE. YOU CANT CONVINCEME>
[x]Did that last question confuse you?: YES. HAHHAHA.
[x]Do you eat chocolate often? yes i want it now. goddamnit.
[x]Do you have a job?: mmhmmmm. its pretty sexy.
[x]Do you like it?: i like teh MONEY. the job itself is SHIT.
[x]Is your computer slow?: not too bad usually.
[x]Have you ever wondered why there is bark on trees?: no. it pretects it.
[x]When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: i dont know. maybe like an internal bruise. maybe it hurts its soul. i really should shut teh fuck up. thats wat imma do.
[x]What do you hear right now?: the microphones. and me SHUTTING THE FUCK UP.
peace and love.