Which Kata are YOU? Brought to you by
katajuice You are Spike Spiegel
A laid back bounty hunter with a mysteriously tragic past. You have a cool sense of humor and would do much for people you love.
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?
You are Duo
Maxwell. You strive on kicking serious ass, anytime, anywhere. However, you
aren't always out to kill, even though you consider yourself "God of Death
(Shinigami)". You have a kind, warm heart and an open personality, you are
always willing to lend a hand to a friend in need and try something new.
What Flavor Icecream Are You?
Okay so you're almost never in the show. But you write the gah damn show! Your most famous appearance was choking on a piranna.
Take the
Invader Zim quiz!
You're "IDGI." Therefore, ...you're often confused. o.o;
What internet slang are YOU? | by
brit I'm a punk/hardcore fangirl
I like screaming, I like kicking it up in the mosh pit, and damn do I like spikey hair.What kind of fangirl are you?
What is your meaning of life? So,
which ferret-type do you think that you are? Click
to find out!!
NINJA SCROLL - Which Devil of Kimon are you?
Take the What Ninja Scroll Villain are you? test! You are moderatly homophobic. You sometimes are botherd by gay people but can accept them.
To take the quiz yourself,
click here now!
I'm not a homophobic. I'm not gay, but I'm not a Homophobic. I'm completely fine with gay people! o_o;
Which tarot card are you?
Check it out, man! Are you a villain? What is YOUR Highschool label? Sorry...I was kinda bored. ;] Oh well. Hey, now you have a bunch of quizzes to take when you get bored!!!!! Heh. Well. I may update later. Peace out