work was okay today, easy and the people that i work with are cool too. yea saw the 9/11 movie last night with jeremy and ryan it was an ok movie oh shit g2g outside and do sum shiznit.
yo yo bitches i be comin back tomorrow night and ya'll wnt believe dis shit i probably have a job! yea at quizno's thats where the cool people work, gonna kick sum subway ass!so i miss yoiu people, liz i miss you like insane crazy, jeremy you too and mike!
and peace out my niggas, yea i'm leavin to NC today um....wont be back till the 24 i think that is wednesday or thursday, and to everyone else that doesnt know i'm also going to spain july 10-18 so ya idk i'll tty ppl later.
fuckedbyher's LJ stalker is loveoflust!loveoflust is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also in jail for murder!