(no subject)

Sep 03, 2009 00:50

10:23 Ironing while watching What Not to Wear just makes me want newer clothes #

12:12 RT @Cynicor: Confused town-hall seniors: "Mr. President, hands off our Jitterbug phones!" // LMAO #

12:14 RT @tsgnews: It's never a good idea to smack a stranger’s wailing tyke at Walmart: bit.ly/4rXyPI // wtf, bitter old men #

12:20 I should probably wake up @LostInKY, yeah? It's almost 1:30! #

12:21 RT @LostInKY: Barbecue sauce for xenophobes? twitpic.com/g5mc6 // we saw this @ a gas station #

12:24 I like this video by @lostinky twitvid.com/77735 #

12:26 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ LOL, I like that the person who responded to you is GOD #

12:27 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ and why are you Wade? I thought you were Jeffray!! #

12:29 Okay, what I dislike about TwitBird Pro is that I can't go alllll the way back to the last tweet I read when I re-open the app #

15:38 Oooooh lmao #

16:27 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ I meant to say oooh lmao to you, oops #

16:39 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ I'm sure my followers assume I'm high lmao #

16:43 Girls, I just got an entire outfit, including jacket and heels, for $82! #

16:51 RT @dansinch BREAKING: Swaggering is down 87% ow.ly/nOpe // lol, I just got new clothes so my swagger is on the increase #

17:22 @ BullittBeat didn't the hackers log into an insecure Internet connection of Bullitt's govt? How does the govt think that's First Fed's fault #

18:28 Just took "What Sex and the City character are you?" and got: Miranda! Try it ➔ bit.ly/3Dx2Ww #

18:29 Yeah I'm definitely a Miranda #

18:33 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ we should get flying spaghetti monster or invisible pink unicorn symbols put on our cars #

18:47 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ OMGGG YES LMAOOO bit.ly/8ltYq and bit.ly/11AmEh #

18:49 @ lianegraham awww I love Lisa Frank #

18:51 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ iPhones make it a lot easier to fuck up tweets imo #

18:52 @ _ManOnTheMoon_ yeah! #

19:03 Why does Twitbird Pro show a t
weet as being posted from web when you use it to tweet? #

19:18 RT @Tiredofbeinsex Made this lol bit.ly/1k0xge #

19:20 Now playing song:
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Turn Into (Nick Zinner Remix) from the album (null) [Track.0] #

19:24 Now playing song:
Metric - Twilight Galaxy from the album Fantasies [Track.4] #

19:25 Now playing song:
Drake - Unstoppable (feat. Santo Gold from the album So Far Gone [Track.11] #

21:57 @ freaky_FREAKYY I know, I fucking love it! #

21:58 @ Tiredofbeinsex lol omggg when that came out and it always being on MTV; how're u dear? #
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